
Help re camping with kids

I know a few of you are regular campers, so please to help...

Next week I'm taking all 4 kids camping with my cousin & her family. DH has to work so I'll be flying solo. We'll be 2 days/nights in a tent & my kids are 13, 6, 2 & 10 weeks. Besides the bedding, food, water, coolers, diapers, wipes, ect, what is necessary for survival when camping with kids? Weather will be 70s during the day, 40s-50s at cousin has a heat blower shes letting us use, & if necessary we can squeeze into her camper at night if it gets too cold.


Re: Help re camping with kids

  • A sweatshirt for each kids to wear in the morning . Go to the dollar store and buy something to use as a sink to wash stuff
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  • Figure out some local hikes and activities ahead of time.

    Give each kid some chores. Getting water or washing dishes or starting the fire or taking the trash to the dump are a lot more fun (and more time consuming) in the woods. It'll help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

    Have outdoor activities, but let them find their own fun. Climbing boulders and trees and playing in the dirt is great. Bring a few board games for night time.

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  • @sing4mysavior‌ i haven't survived it yet!

    Thanks for all the ideas! My littles love all things outdoors & def aren't afraid to get dirty so I think we will have good times. I am most concerned about the baby & the cool night air, but hopefully with the heat blower, warm clothes & blankets she'll be fine.
  • @sing4mysavior‌ i haven't survived it yet!

    Thanks for all the ideas! My littles love all things outdoors & def aren't afraid to get dirty so I think we will have good times. I am most concerned about the baby & the cool night air, but hopefully with the heat blower, warm clothes & blankets she'll be fine.

    We took dd camping for the first time when she was 3 months old. It was cool at night. We took the Moses basket for her to sleep in on the floor of the tent, and put a folded thick blanket under that to keep the cold from coming up from the ground. We layered her clothing and put on mitts and a toque and swaddled her and probably tucked a blanket around her lower half and she was good. I didn't sleep the first night because I kept checking to see if she was cold (and it was storming) but she had a wonderful sleep. GL!


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  • My main concern when camping with the kids is comfort at night, because unless the kids get a good night sleep, no amount of activities will help them.  Also, with a baby, a place to safely put him down is really helpful.
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  • To be on the safe side, if you are using any kind of gas powered heater, I would bring a battery powered carbon monoxide detector. Lots of wipes too.
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  • edited October 2014
    Glow sticks so you can keep track of the older ones at night. A carrier to wear the baby. We just went this weekend and I brought the pack n play so I'd have somewhere to put the baby of the ground.

    Good luck. I only had my 2 kids with no dh and a ton of relatives with us and I'm exhausted.
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