Trouble TTC

Ugh...Frustrated with this cycle...

So after 2 months on the bench I was finally able to start my first injectable cycle this month and it's just not going how I had hoped at all. I started out at 75u, did that for 5 days, went in and had my labs/US done. My estrogen level was at 36 (my low estrogen levels have been an issue the entire time), and my largest follie measured at 8. So they bumped me up to 150u. Came back in today after being on that dose for 3 days, and my estrogen level did rise to 106, but that's still low of course, and the largest follie was 12.

So the nurse called me and told me that I had two options; Scrap this cycle, get a pack of bcp and try again next cycle when I will start at 225u from the get-go, or go ahead and bump up to 225 starting today, and come back in Tuesday to see where I'm at. I asked if the Dr thought this cycle was a complete waste, and the nurse said the Dr didn't necessarily think there was no hope, it was just a "much smaller chance this cycle." Ugh.....I'm just so frustrated.

I wasn't ready to give up hope yet so I'm going to go ahead and continue with this cycle, but I'm just not feeling hopeful at all. Thanks for letting me rant ladies. :/

***Signature/Ticker Warning***

March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.
June 2011 - Married DH.
June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178   Beta #2 - 398.   U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!



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 Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Ugh...Frustrated with this cycle...

  • So sorry for the bad news. I don't know what I would do :( wish I had so advice for you.

    Razz *
    Me 24: PCOS & elevated Prolactin --- H 28: SA great
    Married <3 September 2012 -- TTC #1 Since September 2013

    Femara 5mg + Ovidrel + TI + Progesterone
    = BFP!
    Beta #1:  12/24  371  -  Beta #2:  12/26  898

  • So sorry. That has to be super frustrating having to wait that long, then end up with a questionable cycle. I hope It goes well for you and it's not a total bust.. GL!
    :: Me: 30 ~ DH: 27 ::
       :: TTC since Oct 2013 ~ NTNP since Dec 2010 ::
    :: DX: PCOS Characteristics & MFI ::
    ~May 2014: 1st Consult with RE~
    ~SA #1/#2 (low on all #'s), HSG (found non-threatening uterine fibroid)~
    ~*1500mg Metformin Daily*~
    *June: Medicated Cycle #1: 5mg Letrozole + Trigger + TI + Progesterone = BFN* 
    *July: Medicated Cycle #2: 5mg Letrozole + Trigger + TI + Progesterone = BFN*
     *Aug: Medicated Cycle #3: 5mg Letrozole + Trigger + TI + Progesterone = BFN*
    *Sept: IUI #1: 5mg Letrozole + Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone = BFN*
    Possibly Looking at IVF.. RE Suggested DH See a Urologist Before Moving On With Treatments 
    *Currently on a Break*
    ~*All Welcome*~


     ::: 3T November Siggy Challenge: Animals Being Jerks:::
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  • Sounds very similar to some cycles I had. I started low dose and nothing happened, then they upped my dose and I responded way too much and almost got cancelled. Injects can be unpredictable and sometimes even worse so with PCOS. 

    Sorry you are going through this, it is super frustrating; however, do not lose hope. I always do respond eventually, it just takes some time for my ovaries to wake up. They just have to find the right dosing and your response should get better next time as well. 
    See I think that's why I'm so frustrated. They were preparing me for OHSS, and so I was expecting to go in and have them tell me my ovaries were on overdrive. But then to go in twice and only have 2 follies and super low estrogen, it just really caught me off guard. I'm just an emotional mess, I suppose.

    ***Signature/Ticker Warning***

    March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.
    June 2011 - Married DH.
    June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
    December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
    April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
    May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
    June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
    July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
    August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
    September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
    October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
    BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178   Beta #2 - 398.   U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     Pregnancy Ticker

  • I'm so sorry, that's not what anyone expects or imagines to happen in their first injects cycle! I would probably ask the RE for his/her opinion on how much chances have dropped this cycle by starting slow...and if it isn't a huge difference, I would keep going because it would suck so much to put all those meds so far to waste. Of course, the only thing worse would be to add $100s more meds to a cycle if it had really poor chances...which is why I'd want a clear answer from the doctor before deciding.

    I hope this cycle ends up being successful! But whatever you choose, even if you have to start time must be a really spot-on protocol now that they have seen your response. :)
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • Thanks ladies. I opted to continue the cycle since I had already bought another vial of meds (after they doubled my dose I wasn't sure I'd have enough to get me even through today so I bought another one). I figured I'd already spent the money on it so might as well use whatever chance I have. The Dr said the cycle isn't a total bust when I called back but that starting on a higher dose would have just gave me a better chance. Not sure how that breaks down in percentage chances or what not, but DH and I both thought she seemed hopeful enough to at least try. She told me TI Monday then bw/us Tuesday to see if I can schedule an IUI. So we will see. Thanks for the support ladies!

    ***Signature/Ticker Warning***

    March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.
    June 2011 - Married DH.
    June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
    December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
    April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
    May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
    June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
    July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
    August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
    September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
    October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
    BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178   Beta #2 - 398.   U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     Pregnancy Ticker

  • Sorry to hear about this frustrating cycle. I hope the upped dosage does the trick for you. Good luck!
    Me-33 DH-36.
    Married 11/10 TTC 11/10
    06/11- diagnosed with PCOS 
    7/11- D&C and benched for a year 
    9/12-4/13-6 rounds of 50 mg Clomid- no sucess 
    6/13- new doc
    7/13-4/14- 6 more rounds of Clomid. 50 mg and then stepped up to 100mg- no success 
    5/14-7/14- took break waiting for new insurance 
    7/14-new insurance= new doc- actually a RE!!!! 
    7/14-HSG and blood test good-PCOS confirmed by new doc 
    10/14 looking forward to 1st IUI w/ Menopur. Blood Test= Negative
    11/14- IUI #2
    w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    1/15- IUI # 3 w/
    Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    2/15- Self Benched this cycle
    3/15/15-Suprise BFP on natural cycle!!!! EDD-11/16/15

  • I'm so sorry you're frustrated. Just know that there are people here wanting to listen and help. But remember, Miracles DO happen :-) Baby Dust to you!

    **************************SIGGY WARNING********************************

    Dx: PCOS (January 2014)

    Dx: Hashimoto's [Thyroid] Disease (January 2014)

    Dx: GERD (August 2014)


    Metformin (since 1/2014) 1500Mg/day
    Synthroid (since 1/2014) 50Mcg/day
    Omeprazole (since 8/2014) 40Mg/day
    Prenatal Vitamins (per OBGYN- 9/2014) 1/day

    First Round of Clomid (begining 9/13/14)
    Progesterone Level Day 20 Results: 4.5

    Mom to 3 Furbabies and I have a 5 year old Step-Daughter














  • My reaction was similar on my first cycle. I stimmed for 15 days, and finally had a 17.5mm follie... Still not great. My estradiol was on the lower end in the beginning while on the lower dose (150) but when they bumped it up to 225, it started to rise. They were hesitant to up my dose at first due to the risk of over-stimulation. We ended up with a BFN, but it wasn't a "waste." It was still a viable cycle. I am currently on my 2nd cycle with Follistim and it has gone so much better. They learned so much about how I responded from the first cycle. So, it will be beneficial for your RE to gain information regardless of the outcome. Good luck to you!
    Me: 26  DH: 31
    Married 10/15/11
    Started TTC 8/2012
    8/12-8/13 - TTC Naturally

    8/2013 - PCOS/anovulation diagnosis
    8/2013 - Metformin + Clomid, no reaction (Not insulin resistant, but tried Metformin to see if it would make a difference.)
    9 & 10/2013 - Femara, no reaction
    12/2013 - Referred to RE
    8-9/2014 - Follistim + Ovidril + TI= BFN
    10/2014 - Follistim + Ovidril + TI=???  

  • Chasity08 said:
    Thanks ladies. I opted to continue the cycle since I had already bought another vial of meds (after they doubled my dose I wasn't sure I'd have enough to get me even through today so I bought another one). I figured I'd already spent the money on it so might as well use whatever chance I have. The Dr said the cycle isn't a total bust when I called back but that starting on a higher dose would have just gave me a better chance. Not sure how that breaks down in percentage chances or what not, but DH and I both thought she seemed hopeful enough to at least try. She told me TI Monday then bw/us Tuesday to see if I can schedule an IUI. So we will see. Thanks for the support ladies!
    SO glad to hear that!! Good luck. :)
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
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