Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself to the group and hopefully get to know some of you.
I am 35 and my DH is 43. We have been ttc for 42 months. In April 2011 I had my right ovary removed due to a large dermoid cyst (about the size of a baseball) and I was just recently diagnosed with PCOS. We sought out natural treatment (acupuncture, diet etc), but it was not quite enough to get my ovary functioning correctly. We finally went to an RE in August of this year and are in our 2nd IUI treatment. Our first IUI I was on 50 mg clomid days 3-7, but I only grew one small follicle. On day 10 my ultra sound showed one follicle that was 9mm, they told me to come back a few days later. On day 12 u/s showed 1 15mm follicle. I triggered on day 14 and had IUI on CD 16. I started progesterone support the night after the IUI, but when I went in for mr progesterone test, I was only at 9.5. They upped my progesterone but I still got ... BFN
This IUI I was on 100mg clomid. They decided not to do an u/s until day 12 since it took my follicles longer to grow. On day 12 I went in and to my surprise I had 3 follicles! 2 were 22 mm and 1, 21. Because she felt I was about to ovulate my RE had me trigger right when I got home and we did the IUI the next morning less than 24 hours later. I ovulated later that night. Today I went in for my progesterone test and it was 24, which looks great compared to 9.5 ! I just began the 2nd half of my 2ww.
It is great to find a sight with such great support. I look forward to getting to know you all!
Ps. Haven't figured out how to set my siggy yet!
Re: Newbie and thanks for the support
Me (26) & DH (26)
Dog Momma to 2 amazing furbabies
Started dating: May 6, 2005 & Married: August 4, 2012
Diagnosis: PCOS
September 2013 - January 2014: Not trying but not preventing
February 2014: Officially TTC (BBT, OPKs, etc)
February-August 2014: Irregular Cycles, U/S showed Fibroids/Cysts, Provera required to get AF, BFNs
September & October 2014: Testing Months with Reproductive Endocrinologist!
DH's SA: Normal (116.4 million sperm, 97% motility, 36% morphology) - WHO criteria
DH's Repeat SA: Poss. Low Morph. (138 million sperm, 73% motility, 8% morphology) - Kruger criteria
HSG and SIS: Normal (tubes clear)
Medicated Cycle: 5mg Letrozole + Trigger Injection + TI = BFP!!
Beta #1: 12/8 - 1,040 Beta #2: 12/10 - 2,902 Beta #3: 12/16 - 19,321
Ultrasound #1: 12/12 (5 weeks 1 day) - Gestational sac and yolk sac present
Ultrasound #2: 12/18 (6 weeks 0 days) - Measuring good, heart rate 99
Ultrasound #3: 12/26 (7 weeks 1 day) - Measuring good, heart rate 150
TTC since 04/12
Me- 26 PCOS
DH- 28 MFI
10/13 IUI #1 (1 follie)- BFP!
11/13 M/C @9 wk due to tetraploidy, one little boy in heaven
01/14 IUI#2 (1 follie) BFN
02/14 IUI #3 (3 follies) BFN
03/14 IUI #4 (2 follies) BFN
05/14 IVF/ICSI #1 CXL
07/14 IVF/ICSI #1.2 6R, 6M, 5F, 2T, 2 frosties!
Transferred 2-5dt CP
09/14 FET #1 BFP! Beta #1 52 Beta #2 152!
10/20/14- It's TWINS!
Me: 27 DH: 35
TTC #1 Since July 2013
Started RE Testing July 2014
2 HSG tests: Right tube is blocked, possible endo.
TSH elevated, started Synthroid 25 mg daily.
October, 2014: Femara 5 mg + TI ---> 3 follies on blocked tube side ---> BFN
November, 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI#1--2 follies (on the good side), 46 mil. motile sperm=BFN
Nov-Dec 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2 (1 follie, 76 mil. motile sperm) + Endometrin=BFN
January, 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #3 (1 follie, 38 mil. motile sperm)=???
New RE appt. scheduled for 1/14.
3T January Siggy Challenge: New Years Resolutions
Mine: Lose the weight I put on from booze and cookies over Christmas.
Me: 28 MH:35
Married September 2012. TTC since September 2013
June 2014 - Dx w/ significant PCOS and referred to RE.
July/August 2014 - Testing complete: Testosterone & AMH very high, FSH slightly high, Vitamin D low, tubes and lining all lovely. DH SA: A+
Cycle 1 (Nov 2014): 2.5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI = BFN
Cycle 2 (Dec 2014): 5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
Cycle 3 (Jan 2015): 5mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
WTF consult scheduled for 1/29
11/14- IUI #2 w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
1/15- IUI # 3 w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
2/15- Self Benched this cycle
3/15/15-Suprise BFP on natural cycle!!!! EDD-11/16/15
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
TTC #1
Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis
IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13
3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!
****All Welcome****
DH: 29, Perfectly Normal SA
Married Since 10/6/2012
TTC Since 6/2013
2/2014: Visited OB-GYN, Low Progesterone
3/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
4/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
5/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
6/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
7/2014: First RE visit, Diagnosed with PCOS, Started on 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 1 22mm Follicle, BFN
8/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 2 Mature Follicles, BFN
9/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #1, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
10/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2, 1 Mature Follicle, BFN
11/2014: 5 mg Femara + 75 mg Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI #3, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
12/2014: Starting IVF in January
1/2015: IVF with ICSI, Currently Stimming
*****Everyone is Welcome*****