December 2013 Moms

Too much sleep?

I'm going to sound like an a-hole here, but is it possible for a baby to sleep too much?

My daughter is turning 10 months old today. Since she was 6 months, she has had the same schedule - Sleep from 7:30/8 until 8/8:30 am, nap from 10:30-12 and a nap from 3-4:30.

She seems to be happy, active, reaching development milestones, etc. But someone said something the other day that made me worried she sleeps too much.

Is that possible?

Re: Too much sleep?

  • That doesn't sound like a bad schedule, honestly. If that's when she sleeps, that is what she needs. Just like adults, some babies will need less sleep and some will need more. If she is thriving, just go with it
  • My LO still takes 2 naps a day. I think that's normal at this age.
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  • That does sound like a little more than the "norm", but my niece was like that too, she has always been an amazing sleeper. She is 6 now and still has to have her 12 hours at night! Like a PP said, I think some babies just need more.
  • Definitely not too much sleep. My kid sleeps a similar amount.
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  • That sounds about right. My kid sleeps almost the same amount minus one of those naps and plus like 3 MOTN wake ups.

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  • It looks like your baby is getting 14.5 hours of sleep a night which is slightly more than average. Im jealous. My LO sleeps 11 hours at night and has 3 hours of naps so we get 14 hours of sleep but we also have MOTN wake ups. :(

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  • EatsRitz said:
    You are an asshole and so is the person who told you she was getting too much sleep.
    LOL.  I know I sure wouldn't be talking about my baby getting too much sleep on this board right now....




  • Yeah, I'm actually worried about the opposite right now. LO is cutting his two top teeth, so his sleep has been fitful this week. He also hasn't been napping very well at daycare lately, so he's only been getting like 12, 12.5 hours total for the day :(
  • edited October 2014
    I think it's totally fine and you should not worry and just enjoy :)  My first was a great sleeper, 12+ hrs at night and 2 great naps.  Some kids are just great sleepers!  These last two, nosomuch :(
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  • You are an asshole and so is the person who told you she was getting too much sleep.

    @notkateanymore‌ I didn't say that. I said it was slightly more than the "norm/average" but not a big deal. People vary, babies vary.
  • You are an asshole and so is the person who told you she was getting too much sleep.

    @notkateanymore‌ I didn't say that. I said it was slightly more than the "norm/average" but not a big deal. People vary, babies vary.
    I don't think she's talking about you... I think she means the person in OPs life that prompted her to write this question on our MB in the first place.
    Ohhhh I forgot someone told her that, lol. Makes more sense!
  • I suck, I'm sorry.

    I was talking about this with my friend who has 2 kids, one a couple months older than my daughter.  Her daughter sleeps in 3 hour stretches, and was saying that was more normal.

    Once she went home she started posting these articles about how it is dangerous for infants to sleep for long stretches, and how it can delay children developmentally and physically, etc.
  • Oh yeah, completely. We met in a mommy group, and at first she seemed really sweet.  We both have older children (I also have an almost 18 year old) and have a baby from our current relationship, so we had stuff in common.

    Turns out, she is seriously bananas. I think it's time to cut ties.
  • mhwood said:

    Once she went home she started posting these articles about how it is dangerous for infants to sleep for long stretches, and how it can delay children developmentally and physically, etc.

    Really? I've never heard of that. I have a decent sleeper (god I hope she doesn't hear me say that) and have never thought it could cause her to be delayed in any way.




  • edited October 2014

    Once she went home she started posting these articles about how it is dangerous for infants to sleep for long stretches, and how it can delay children developmentally and physically, etc.
    Really? I've never heard of that. I have a decent sleeper (god I hope she doesn't hear me say that) and have never thought it could cause her to be delayed in any way.
    I've never heard of that either.  In fact, I'd guess that lack of sleep could be more of an issue with development than being well rested. 

    ETA: I will say that my oldest who was the great sleeper is still VERY sleep sensitive.  He NEEDS sleep, and he doesn't nap, so even at almost 6, he still goes to bed at 7pm and wakes at 7am.  It's a very rare occurrence that we allow him to stay up past 7:45 even for special occasions because he is an absolute miserable mess the next day.   People always think we're weird or overbearing because of that but they don't have to deal with him the next day!  His brother is much more flexible in his sleep schedule and can handle being tired a lot better.  
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  • Wow yeah that person kinda sounds like an asshat
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