Baby Names

Discussing baby names with family and friends

With ds, we only talked to my parents once to get a feel on using a family name for his first name (we didn't, based on their feedback). We didn't talk to anyone else.

This time, dh is wanting to talk to more people about baby girls name choice. I am too, but only because I want opinions on "issues" with names. I don't really want thoughts or opinions on if they like the names or not. I feared I could be easily swayed by what others have to say. But I also want to know what they think about specific things related to the names.

What have you done? Any advice???

For what it's worth, The names are Cara and Noelle from my polls. I'm curious about how family and friends pronounce Cara and how much of a holiday association Noelle holds for them.
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Re: Discussing baby names with family and friends

  • We are kind of in the same situation! My wife and I are going back and forth on whether we should share our top picks. The names we have picked out for either gender are after ourselves or a family member and we want to be sure that there arent any issues. We keep a dry erase board in our room with name ideas and we have our own colors. My family is VERY outspoken and I'm afraid they'll say something thats going to change my wife or even my mind on our name choices. I feel like the decision should be made by both parents but I kind of want to protect her which probably sounds stupid
  • I discussed names with our family/friends and I wish we hadn't.  I was very easily swayed by others' opinions and if I had to do it all over again I would only talk names with DH.  It's a lot harder to look at a name the same way once you know a close family member hates it.  

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  • Care-uh = cara to me.
    I associate noelle with Christmas. I like it more as a middle name.
    Not everyone is going to like your choice, no matter the name.
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