Trouble TTC

Need a little advice while waiting to see an RE?

Good morning everyone, I apologize in advance for any errors, I'm still working on my coffee.
So thanks to some of the gals on here I have made the decsion to go from an OB to and RE. A little backstory for everyone who doesn't know: dh and I have been ttc for well over a year now, not really getting great medical treatment...anyway long story short, we ended up going to an OB because we thought it'd save money. So I'm took clomid and well, (yes without monitoring, stupid, I know) I was convinced by some of the stories on here that I need to see an RE instead.
So my appointment is on November 3. But in the meantime, what do I do about my OB? I only went to one appointment with her, back in June, and she wanted me to come back next week to check progesterone. I don't want to spend that extra money and I don't want to go on clomid now without monitoring. So I am thinking of requesting an ultrasound to make sure that the clomid didn't thin my lining or something but I also don't know if I should spend that money when I could be saving for my RE appt. next month (because God knows the insurance won't cover jack shit of any of this). 
What would you guys do? Just wait it out a month and drop OB or double check everything? By the way, I haven't o'd yet (think I am on CD 20) so I really dont think the progesterone blood draw is necessary. 
Me: 24 
TTC for over a year with PCOS. We'll see what happens. 
November 3 2014-finally going to see an RE!

Favorite villain: Alex from A Clockwork Orange

Re: Need a little advice while waiting to see an RE?

  • ShaunteeShauntee member
    edited October 2014
    So glad you are going to an RE. It took me 3&1/2 years to learn that lesson. Also, during my first appointment with my RE she did an Ultrasound, so they will probably check all of that fun stuff to determine your course of action. Good luck in the search for a RE.
    Me-33 DH-36.
    Married 11/10 TTC 11/10
    06/11- diagnosed with PCOS 
    7/11- D&C and benched for a year 
    9/12-4/13-6 rounds of 50 mg Clomid- no sucess 
    6/13- new doc
    7/13-4/14- 6 more rounds of Clomid. 50 mg and then stepped up to 100mg- no success 
    5/14-7/14- took break waiting for new insurance 
    7/14-new insurance= new doc- actually a RE!!!! 
    7/14-HSG and blood test good-PCOS confirmed by new doc 
    10/14 looking forward to 1st IUI w/ Menopur. Blood Test= Negative
    11/14- IUI #2
    w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    1/15- IUI # 3 w/
    Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    2/15- Self Benched this cycle
    3/15/15-Suprise BFP on natural cycle!!!! EDD-11/16/15

  • I did it kind of like @iPutKetchupOnKetchup‌ in that I tried to get some testing done before our consult. Maybe you could check with a nurse at your RE's office and see what kind of labwork they'll accept from other providers. In my case, I had day 3 bloodwork, and HSG, and a SA for DH done through the OB before my first RE consult. Since we already knew kind of what we were dealing with for a diagnosis, we were able to start treatment much sooner. Some of the stuff was even billed as non-IF so it saved us a little money. You only have a month until your appt, so depending on where you are in your cycle, you might not be able to get a ton of stuff done, but you could try! The progesterone check or US I would probably skip if I were in your shoes. GL!!
    2.5 years TTC with MFI, 3 failed IUIs 
    IVF w/ICSI October 2014: 17R, 13M, 12F 4 Frosties
    ET of two blasts 11/2/14 BFP!!! It's TWINS! EDD 7/21/15

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • Thanks everyone for your helpful replies. I'm going to call the RE as soon as they open this morning and find out if they will accept bloodwork from other clinics. It will really suck if they don't because I'm already paying for that stuff. Anyway if they do, I will call my OB's office and talk to them. More updates to come I'm sure :)
    Me: 24 
    TTC for over a year with PCOS. We'll see what happens. 
    November 3 2014-finally going to see an RE!

    Favorite villain: Alex from A Clockwork Orange
  • Great plan, so glad you've got an RE now. I wouldn't worry about checking the lining - a mid-cycle monitoring ultrasound should tell the RE if you need meds to thicken the lining. I would have the RE do the HSG even if it makes everything a month later, because he/she will get the clearest picture seeing it for themselves. I wouldn't want the RE stuck relying on a judgment call the OB made if something looks iffy.
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
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