Hi Ladies.
Tomorrow I'm getting ready for my ER. Unfortunately, my progesterone level is at 2.4 and the doctor prefers it to be below 2. So they will do a freeze all and wait for my body to calm down and then do the transfer. If this has happened to any of you how long did you have to wait until the transfer?
Thank you!
Re: Freeze All.
Our Story
Me- 35, mild hypothyroidism
DH- 29, low count due to a chromosomal abnormality, only option is IVF/ICSI with PGD.
Married 5/13
TTC since 8/13
IVF/ICSI #1 ER 9/14 - 14R, 6M, 6F, 5 blasts off to PGD- 1 normal female, 2 balanced males
FET 12/8 of 2 frosties - 1 male/1 female - stick babies stick!
Beta #1 10dp5dt 444! Beta #2 14dp5dt 2,340! U/S 1/5-- TWINS!!! EDD 8/26/15
"You'll never see the rainbow if you can't survive the storm"
They did say that I'd start lupron AGAIN when AF comes. Of course...Me and the devil drug...BFFs.
Our Story
Me- 35, mild hypothyroidism
DH- 29, low count due to a chromosomal abnormality, only option is IVF/ICSI with PGD.
Married 5/13
TTC since 8/13
IVF/ICSI #1 ER 9/14 - 14R, 6M, 6F, 5 blasts off to PGD- 1 normal female, 2 balanced males
FET 12/8 of 2 frosties - 1 male/1 female - stick babies stick!
Beta #1 10dp5dt 444! Beta #2 14dp5dt 2,340! U/S 1/5-- TWINS!!! EDD 8/26/15
"You'll never see the rainbow if you can't survive the storm"
Me: 32 DH: 37
Married July 2012, TTC since July, 2012
April, 2012: DH undergoes vasectomy reversal
October, 2012: DH SA: great count, slightly low motility
February, 2013: first consultation with RE, all test normal, unexplained infertility
September, 2014: First IVF 1 embie transferred- BFN- but 9 little frosties waiting
November, 2014- First FET 2 embies transferred- BFN
March, 2015- Second FET 3 embies transferred- SUCCESS! EDD- 11/25/15