Ugh @muirmaid I'm so sorry! Subbing is so hard! I once covered a maternity leave for 6 weeks for a 3rd grade class and it was pretty awful.
Today is going to be a long day! It's supposed to be drizzly/windy/crappy and about 45 degrees outside but guess who scheduled an outdoor football field practice for her dancers?? ME!! We perform at halftime of the FB game next Friday and need a field practice that I scheduled weeks ago for tonight and it's the only time we can do it. I know the girls are going to be whiny and I don't blame them at all. I want to fast forward to tomorrow. Pity party for one here...
Morning. Headed to a first aid course this morning. Hopefully we are done early enough to be done for the day without having to head back to the office so I can run into some stores sans kid while in town. Fx!
Usually, having a partner who works in the same field is awesome. Not, however, when there is a deadline looming and said partner wants you to proofread/edit/streamline/make all glittery until two in the morning.
Morning! Fx my toddler isn't getting sick. He slept a lot yesterday. :-SS Ive been so busy lately. My new job is definitely interfering with my bumping.
@kaylakim hope the practice goes well with minimal whining. Although Im going to whine, we have snow in our forecast for Friday. Too soon!! (
@Muirmaid I hope the principle can help with laying down the law
This is waaaay tmi but my stomach is really unhappy with me this morning. I was thinking it was just period shits. But it might have something to do with the grocery store sushi sample I are yesterday. I knew I shouldn't, but sushi! :-??
Good morning! Hope everyone had a good night! Can't believe that lo#2 is 8 weeks old today and that I go back to work on Monday Had such a great day with lo#1 yesterday, made homemade play dough and finger paint. She loved making a mess! I'm really going to miss all the time I've gotten to spend with my girls. I didn't get the job i had interviewed for last week, so back to the unstable dental office I go. It's kind of gloomy here today, we are already past our peak of fall colors so now everything is starting to look grey and ugly Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
I'm at work, I'm hungry, and I feel like crap. I cannot believe that I am sick again, or just never got over what I had before. I'm going on day 20, so annoyed. But, I know it could be so much worse, so I'm chugging along.
Good morning ladies! We had a decent night last night, however I am extremely jealous that DH gets to take off a half day to go home to wait for the stove repairman..... I would love to be chillin on the couch or napping all afternoon
Hugs and ~O) to all the ladies who need them. @kmvw, 8 weeks old already?!? Good luck transitioning back to work. Hang in there, @LauraC122. WTG, @econmama!
DH is working on a big project at work and was at the office for 18 hours yesterday. Poor guy is exhausted. My plans for the day include library storytime, post office to mail books to my secret Elfster, and apply to a too-perfect-to-ignore job during nap time.
Hugs @missymr It's tough to juggle everything. Are the teachers at your DC able to babysit on the side for the attending children? We have 2 teachers at ours that are part time employees that are available for short notice when your child is sick and can't go to DC. Maybe that's an option? Or you could search on to find someone. I hope your LO feels better!
Hugs @missymr It's tough to juggle everything. Are the teachers at your DC able to babysit on the side for the attending children? We have 2 teachers at ours that are part time employees that are available for short notice when your child is sick and can't go to DC. Maybe that's an option? Or you could search on to find someone. I hope your LO feels better!
This. I know my cousin who works part-time at a DC will watch sick kids on short notice. It seems kind of wrong, though... because what if she has to work the next day and just takes the sickness back there. I guess it's a rotating door anyway and if you're gonna get sick, you're gonna get sick.
morning ladieszzzzz ~O) ~O) it's so dark and cold in the mornings now I just want to stay cuddled in my bed...! Not to mention I've been sleeping amazing this week without DH here to wake me up with his snoring! :-bd
I'm sorry your LO is sick @missymr, it is tough to not have a lot of help around! Our parents aren't here either and most of our friends either have their own kids or aren't super qualified to watch kids We have one or two babysitters we use, but if they're not available, we're usually SOL. I hope your LO feels better soon!
Settle an argument. If we hire a babysitter to come at six, I say we should come home after the thing we are going to ends (at midnight). DH says it's acceptable to go out after and come home whenever we want - like 4 am. I don't think that's okay even if the babysitter would be making money. Plus I don't want to stay out til four I'm old. What say you?
4 am is a little later than your average return time. I would definitely let her know that you may be out until 4 am before she agrees to the job, not as you're heading out the door. @PickleX
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
She's older than I am and we are paying for her cab home. Maybe I can come home after and he can stay out drinking. I still have to get up in the morning when baby does - I don't want to get no sleep and be hungover!
@missymr I've been there with the sick kids. Our closest family is 1000 miles away, and everyone we know who isn't working is home with young kids. So, DH and I argue about who has the more important work to do that day, and one of us stays home. It does get better. Some time around 2-2.5 yrs, the older kids stopped getting a fever with every cold and stopped getting ear infections. Now they are rarely sick with more than the sniffles.
@PickleX 4 am! I'm so old that I forgot people actually stayed out that late.
Formerly known as ms.mittens Jude 12/31/2008 Ezra 2/10/2011 Nora 7/23/2013
I hate staying out really late but I also hate hearing from DH that I'm no fun since having a baby. I like to have fun just not past 2 am at the latest. Ughhh. I still have to get up and entertain and care for a kid! It's not fun for me.
@MRads, the only grocery store sushi that I even dare to try to eat is from Wegmans. Yum! Hope that you feel better!
I haz a major sad today. I just learned this morning, in front of all of my coworkers, that the new boss does not think that I am suited to take over for my supervisor when she retires this month. I've been the organization's choice since she first started talking about retiring three years ago. Its the reason why I came back here after my maternity leave. And its the reason why my supervisor worked with me on my new schedule - to get me to come back. New guy comes in and changes all of that. Fine. But a head's up would have been nice. I love my job, but I can't afford to keep working here. My expenses have doubled since I started - a home, commute and family. But my salary hasn't changed in 7 years. I've only been sticking it out because to get my supervisor's position would have been a significant bump.
Since our meeting headed at 10:30, I've had three people come up and ask me when I am leaving.
I hate staying out really late but I also hate hearing from DH that I'm no fun since having a baby. I like to have fun just not past 2 am at the latest. Ughhh. I still have to get up and entertain and care for a kid! It's not fun for me.
I beg to differ with him. He sounds like that one that isn't any fun. I can't even imagine staying out until 4am, unless I was on vacation and babyless for the whole next day. Don't let him guilt you into staying out late if you aren't into it
Re: The amazing spiderSPAM
@Muirmaid hope the principal is able to help!
Ugh @muirmaid I'm so sorry! Subbing is so hard! I once covered a maternity leave for 6 weeks for a 3rd grade class and it was pretty awful.
Today is going to be a long day! It's supposed to be drizzly/windy/crappy and about 45 degrees outside but guess who scheduled an outdoor football field practice for her dancers?? ME!! We perform at halftime of the FB game next Friday and need a field practice that I scheduled weeks ago for tonight and it's the only time we can do it. I know the girls are going to be whiny and I don't blame them at all. I want to fast forward to tomorrow. Pity party for one here...
:-tI only read the first page of spam yesterday, so I have some catching up to do.
My goal is to get to the post office for my SS today!!
Baby boy 7.10.13
Ive been so busy lately. My new job is definitely interfering with my bumping.
@kaylakim hope the practice goes well with minimal whining. Although Im going to whine, we have snow in our forecast for Friday. Too soon!!
@Muirmaid I hope the principle can help with laying down the law
Everyone else ~O) >:D< have a great day.
Baby boy 7.10.13
@kaylakim I hope the practice outside in the cold goes by very quickly!
Good morning ladies! We had a decent night last night, however I am extremely jealous that DH gets to take off a half day to go home to wait for the stove repairman..... I would love to be chillin on the couch or napping all afternoon
DH is working on a big project at work and was at the office for 18 hours yesterday. Poor guy is exhausted. My plans for the day include library storytime, post office to mail books to my secret Elfster, and apply to a too-perfect-to-ignore job during nap time.
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
@PickleX 4 am! I'm so old that I forgot people actually stayed out that late.
I haz a major sad today. I just learned this morning, in front of all of my coworkers, that the new boss does not think that I am suited to take over for my supervisor when she retires this month. I've been the organization's choice since she first started talking about retiring three years ago. Its the reason why I came back here after my maternity leave. And its the reason why my supervisor worked with me on my new schedule - to get me to come back. New guy comes in and changes all of that. Fine. But a head's up would have been nice. I love my job, but I can't afford to keep working here. My expenses have doubled since I started - a home, commute and family. But my salary hasn't changed in 7 years. I've only been sticking it out because to get my supervisor's position would have been a significant bump.
Since our meeting headed at 10:30, I've had three people come up and ask me when I am leaving.