Well DH and I just got back from two consults for fertility clinics that offer some type of refund if we are unsuccessful. And unfortunately we don't qualify because of my unicornuate uterus. One clinic even told us flat out that they would not accept us even without being a part of the refund program. I guess they don't want us messing up there stats. Great! Now I'm off to teach lifespan development and talk about conception and babies for 2 hours...ugh. I had no idea that clinics would actually turn us away. I mean shit I'm here because we have issues...really?!
Me: +35 DH: +35
TTC: Since January 2013
DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
TX: Metformin
DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU.
HSG showed clear tube on the left side.
Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
- IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
- IUI#2 July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
- Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
- Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
- IUI #3 August 2014 w/ Menopur: BFN
- Finally ovulating on my own!!
Waiting to start IVF hopefully
**********All Are Welcome**************
3T January Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolution
Re: Just rejected by two clinics
TTC since July 2012
BFP 5/22/13. Lap. to remove ectopic and dx with endo. 6/16/13
RE consult: June 2014
DX: FVL, endo, hypothyroidism, blocked left tube
Oct. 2014: First treatment cycle: Clomid+trigger+IUI=BFN
November 2014: Clomid+trigger+IUI again=BFP!
BFP 11/28/14 MC discovered 1/14/15
Blogging to stay sane
Me: 28 MH:35
Married September 2012. TTC since September 2013
June 2014 - Dx w/ significant PCOS and referred to RE.
July/August 2014 - Testing complete: Testosterone & AMH very high, FSH slightly high, Vitamin D low, tubes and lining all lovely. DH SA: A+
Cycle 1 (Nov 2014): 2.5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI = BFN
Cycle 2 (Dec 2014): 5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
Cycle 3 (Jan 2015): 5mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
WTF consult scheduled for 1/29
Me: 28 DH: 28
Married: 6 years
TTC since: Sept 2010
Diagnosis: Stage 4 Endometriosis, Hashimoto's
Treatment: Lupron (3/2010 – 9/2010 & 7/2013 – 2/2014)
April 2013 - BFP – missed mc confirmed 5/08/2014. D&C 5/22/2014
Sept/Oct 2014: IUI #1 (Gonal F + HCG) = BFN
Oct/Nov 2014: Temporarily Benched due to multiple cysts on each ovary.
Nov 27: IUI #2 (Gonal F + HCG) = BFP
11/14- IUI #2 w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
1/15- IUI # 3 w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
2/15- Self Benched this cycle
3/15/15-Suprise BFP on natural cycle!!!! EDD-11/16/15
Me: 27 DH: 35
TTC #1 Since July 2013
Started RE Testing July 2014
2 HSG tests: Right tube is blocked, possible endo.
TSH elevated, started Synthroid 25 mg daily.
October, 2014: Femara 5 mg + TI ---> 3 follies on blocked tube side ---> BFN
November, 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI#1--2 follies (on the good side), 46 mil. motile sperm=BFN
Nov-Dec 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2 (1 follie, 76 mil. motile sperm) + Endometrin=BFN
January, 2014: Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #3 (1 follie, 38 mil. motile sperm)=???
New RE appt. scheduled for 1/14.
3T January Siggy Challenge: New Years Resolutions
Mine: Lose the weight I put on from booze and cookies over Christmas.
Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).
We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).
On a side note, I didn't know that some clinic offer a refund program. That is interesting...
Married and started TTC in July 2013
"Diagnosed" with unexplained infertility
Oct 2014 IUI #1: 100mg clomid/HCG trigger/2 mature follicles/18mil post wash sperm count: BFP!!!
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
TTC since 04/12
Me- 26 PCOS
DH- 28 MFI
10/13 IUI #1 (1 follie)- BFP!
11/13 M/C @9 wk due to tetraploidy, one little boy in heaven
01/14 IUI#2 (1 follie) BFN
02/14 IUI #3 (3 follies) BFN
03/14 IUI #4 (2 follies) BFN
05/14 IVF/ICSI #1 CXL
07/14 IVF/ICSI #1.2 6R, 6M, 5F, 2T, 2 frosties!
Transferred 2-5dt CP
09/14 FET #1 BFP! Beta #1 52 Beta #2 152!
10/20/14- It's TWINS!
Sawyer Ryanne due Jan 1, 2017
DH - 44 V/VR ASA
We have been ttc for almost 2 years ... DH has a 20 year old son from previous marriage.
Nov 2012 - VR
Dec 2012 - Start TTC
Dec 2013 - IUI #1 - BFN
Jan 2014 - IUI #2 - BFN
Aug 2014 - IVF #1 - BFN
Nov 2014 - IVF #2 - ???