I know a lot of you haven't potty trained yet, but I am asking here anyways. With DD she showed interest around 2, started going on the potty, we did pullups for a bit then naked/underwear except for naps/night and after about 3-4 hellish weeks she was 100% except naps/night. DS currently is in pullups. He can keep his pullup dry for hours (sometimes), he will occasionally ask to use the potty, but still has a bunch of 'accidents' in his pullups. Occasionally he has asked for underwear and he doesn't care if it is wet. I think I should commit do underwear and he will get in a week or so. My mom thinks I am crazy, that he is no where near ready.
There seems to be two schools - 3 or 5 day type method (all in/buy a lot of carpet cleaner) or the wait until they are ready. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be waiting for though. Until he is dry in pullups? Because I don't think that will ever happen. So what have you done? Also feel free to tell me what to do with my kid or what worked for you!
DD Nov 2010 ~ DS June 2012
Potty Poll 81 votes
Waited until ready - trained easily
Waited until ready - struggled for weeks/months
Put in underwear/naked - trained within a few weeks
Put in underwear - gave up
Re: Potty Poll
I put, put in underwear, trained in a few weeks, but that's not true exactly.
We do pullups at nap time and at night. He does not poop in the potty at all. At. all. We are about 6 weeks in and he still won't do this.
This just means we change his underwear 1-2 times per day when he has to poop (sometimes 3). But it's no longer a need to change shoes, socks, pants, underwear (and sometimes shirt?!?)
We used gerber training pants (bought them on amazon though they sell them at target, I just had a hard time finding them). They are thicker and so it wasn't usually a thing where it was all over the carpet though occasionally we had a few wet spots on the floor.
We did get protection for our fabric couch. One of those waterproof canvas backseat covers to protect your vehicle from muddy dogs.
Daycare keeps trying to push me into actively training DD. I just nod and smile. I will try to go the same route with her. I have zero desire to have a six month battle over urine and feces, diapers and toilets, we've got better things to do with our time.
DD is 2.4. We got a potty and one of those padded toilet rings at about 18 months when she first showed interest. Her interest has been VERY sporadic. Every once in awhile, she'll ask to sit on the potty. She's actually peed in it twice. Most times, she asks to sit on it right AFTER she's peed, so I think she's still making that connection.
We haven't pushed it, because our daycare doesn't take the toddlers to the potty. The potties are in the preschool room, and the preschoolers all go every two hours. However, DD will start to transition in 2 months, and I think we can broach potty training again then.