July 2013 Moms

How often do you brush LO's teeth?

edited October 2014 in July 2013 Moms
CPW: Brushing Teeth

How often do you brush LO's teeth? 124 votes

Twice a day
16% 21 votes
Once a day
43% 54 votes
After every meal
0% 0 votes
Whenever I can actually remember
29% 36 votes
Never. Who has time for that?
8% 10 votes
Gummy baby for lyfe!
0% 0 votes
2% 3 votes

Re: How often do you brush LO's teeth?

  • Err only at night right now, after dinner as part of bedtime routine.

    We are now at 14 teeth so I should probably do am and pm. Bad mommy!
  • We have this "beginner" toothbrush. She hated it at first and hates anything in her mouth so we are still just letting her get use to it. Sometimes she puts in her mouth and we makes motions to show her what to do...... I think this is going to be a long process.

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  • My little guy will barely let me brush his teeth now.  He closes his mouth, shakes his head, and turns away when I try to come near him with the toothbrush.  He does like the sound of the electric tooth brush, so sometimes I try that for just a few seconds.  I'm hoping this is just a phase and has to do with teething.   

  • I brush them at night. He gets a toothbrush to play with at diaper changes. He likes to brush his own teeth.
  • @lauraB1016 I'm glad to see I'm not alone on this.  Sometimes my little guy will just chew on the brush for a bit.  I'm totally counting that. 
  • @theuntaggablek That's awesome and adorable! 
  • I try for twice a day, but sometimes forget in the morning. Tooth #3 broke through yesterday, so I want to get him used to it!
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  • We brush his in the bath at night.
  • I try to remember to brush her teeth daily... Bad mom.
  • We brush P's teeth in the AM after breakfast and at night right before bed.
  • DD brushes them when she plays with her tooth brush. She only has three right now.
  • Just at night before bed.
  • Attempt twice. She mostly just munches on the brush.
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  • Every night before bed!
  • In theory we do it every night as part of the bedtime routine. But in practice we forget a lot. Need to get better about that...
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  • Twice a day. Because Amanda insists. If you don't brush her teeth, she clings to their little stair set and wails. :)

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  • Twice a day, usually once late morning/ early afternoon and then right before bed.
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  • During bath time I try to brush her teeth, and then I let her play with the tooth brush.  I'm not really doing awesome in the dental care department.
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  • @thepoodpotato  Please tell me your secrets on getting your children so invested in their oral hygiene. 
    Once a day. Sometimes I try in the morning, but right now, it really is a two person job to get them brushed.
    @encchanted Thanks for  you sharing this. I've often wondered if we'd have an easier time with brushing if DH was capable of helping. Then I felt bad for not being good at brushing my child's teeth on my own. 
  • We "try" to brush every night, it is such a struggle so sometimes I don't even bother. 

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  • Adeline only has 4 teeth (and she's got them all in the past 2 months) so we have just started introducing the toothbrush.  I will brush for about 15-20 seconds and then she wants to do it.  She seems to like it but we're not doing it consistently. 
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  • Mh went to the dentist today. According to him Lo should have his teeth brushed (by us) twice a day minimum.
    Apparently if hegets a cavity before four years old he has to go to a hospital to have it filled. :-S
  • We were brushing teeth once a day during DD's bedtime routine, but in the last two weeks, she started insisting on also brushing in the morning just like mommy. As in, "if you don't let me chew on an adult toothbrush that looks just like yours (no, the pink one! not the blue one!), I am going to throw myself backwards, writhing and screaming on the bathroom tile." @-)
  • fabk said:

    Mh went to the dentist today. According to him Lo should have his teeth brushed (by us) twice a day minimum.
    Apparently if hegets a cavity before four years old he has to go to a hospital to have it filled. :-S

    Yikes. We better get a routine/system down now.
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