
New here- Hydro tubes...what to do?!

Hey everyone, 
I'm new here and finally reaching out for some support and advice. No one around me understands what I'm going thru, I'm sick of the blank stares and awkward silences. I'm ready to talk openly about struggling with infertility. I am 30, married and have been TTC naturally for 5+ yrs with no luck. I have regular, extremely painful cycles accompanied by terrible pms. I have pain with ovulation as well. I have a short cycle of 26 days with ovulation occurring on day 14, I believe and have had it show up on prediction kits. I had an HSG test which showed bilateral hydrosalpinx, with both tubes draining. My OBGYN says I need a lap to get more info and check for fibroids, endometriosis and the state of my tubes. I have been putting off the lap b/c I don't want to lose my tubes, I know it's silly but I don't like the idea! If my hydro is open and draining back into my uterus it can be toxic to a pregnancy. But- it seems like if that were the case I would be having miscarriages instead of no sign of preg? I've never missed a period or had a positive test. I had an infection in my teens that could have caused the hydro and I'm afraid my other tube is damaged and neither are functional. My doctor wants to do the lap, remove the hydro and proceed with IVF but I can't possibly afford it anytime soon and my husband is active duty military so working around IVF would be difficult. Is tubal drainage and repair really as futile as everyone says? Has anyone had any luck with TTC naturally with a hydrosalpinx or a drained/repaired tube? I have to do something and get this process moving forward, I'm just not quite ready to give in and take out a loan for IVF yet. Thanks everyone and looking forward to meeting y'all!

Re: New here- Hydro tubes...what to do?!

  • Welcome, but so sorry that you find yourself here, and with tubal issues to boot. (((HUGS)))

    The problem with tubal toxicity is exactly as you described. However, you're forgetting that if the tubal toxicity is preventing implantation, you may never get a positive pg test. Perfectly healthy embryos might not have the ability to even attach to the uterine lining, meaning that pregnancy will not occur.

    It is extremely hard, and I almost had a mini breakdown when my RE told me that he needed the authority to take my tubes if he found Hydro, but it is worth it in the end. Also, many REs might not even be willing to perform IVF for you unless you have the tubes removed, as they cause a greater risk to implantation than if they were already gone.

    I did not postpone my exploratory lap, which confirmed that my tubes were blocked, but no hydro, but also confirmed a very large fibroid pinning my tubes, that I had removed via another lap as well. If I had postponed, I would not be able to be cycling right now in attempt of my take home rainbow. :)

    Good Luck!
  • meli505meli505 member
    edited October 2014
    Hi and nice to meet you! Thanks for the welcome, nice to hear from someone with a similar experience -but also, sorry for what you are going thru. I've been trying to get approval from my OBGYN to get an RE, but then I had to move so now I'm looking for a new OBGYN and RE. I want to proceed with the lap but I want to find a surgeon I trust, its so personal and scary to let them in there. I'm just afraid they are going to find even more of a mess once they get a look inside, lol. But I know it has to happen to move forward. How did you find a good doctor for your surgery? Did you get to keep your tubes since there was no hydro? Thanks for the advice and I wish you the best of luck with your cycle, thats really exciting!
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  • I have dual Hydros as well. I tried everything, accupuncture, chinese herbs, massage, exercise, yoga, and castor oil. I tried herbal tampons too, no luck. I wasted about 2 years with all of that, and I'm still back here. And our 2 situations may not be identical, so I'm not saying that none of this will work for you. I'm just saying that it didn't work for me. And in my mind I HAD to try the alternatives before I would be convinced that removing my tubes was the very last resort. I'm scheduled for surgery next week. I wish you the best of luck, and just know that Doctor's are so advanced now. With your without your tubes, you can have significant success in building your family.

    ME - 31, DX with dual hydrosalpinx (2012) , confirmed again in 2014, starting IVF 1st Cycle Dec 2014

    Bloodwork done 8/8/2014 LH - 2.8, FSH 6.1

    DH - 31, testing scheduled for 8/22/2014, 60-70% motility, no problems found



  • Hi and welcome! Sorry you find yourself here. I went into surgery knowing they would take my tubes if needed, it was not a decision I made lightly. Mine stayed after being "repaired" but clearly, that did not work anyways. When I moved on to an RE, he made me do more ultrasounds to confirm I did not have any new hydros, as the entire practice will not do IVF until they are removed. After much research I found this to be true at most clinics. Unfortunately, your tubes are a vital aspect to conceiving and fertilization. While the risk of ectopics is higher for those with tubal issues, if your tubes are completely blocked and unable to pick up your egg to meet the sperm, there is no possibility to get pregnant/miscarriage. I would recommend finding an RE and get a good professional opinion about what your options are. I can't see why any OB wouldn't give you a referral based on your history, but I know how all that BS goes. Good luck!!
    Me:30 DH:30 
    TTC since January 2013 
    Him: Excellent SA
    Me: 2 clear HSG's, perfect 28 day cycle with ovulation, all testing/blood work good
    1/23/14- **Surgery**
    Diagnosis: severe pelvic adhesions from stage 3/4 endo and old ruptured appendix
    RE Recommends IVF due to likely tubal damage
    IVF #1- November 2014 
                     Started stims 11/7. Antagonist Protocol
                     Trigger 11/17, HCG/Lupron
                     ER 11/19   27R/24m/14F
                     ET 11/24   1 little embie 
                     5 frosties!!! 
                     First ever BFP-  12/4 Beta #1: 35  12/8 Beta #2: 9  CP 

    FET #1- February 2015 


  • Omgosh swyatt2014, I have tried all those alternative therapies as well! Mayan abdominal massage, herbs, castor oil packs, herbal tampons, yoga, juicing and even meditation/visualization. I have been trying these things for 3+ years determined not to go under the knife and to heal myself naturally, sadly I am not a good enough witch doctor, turns out. Not that these things haven't benefitted my overall health, its just not enough. I have an appointment next week to discuss the lap surgery and my options, after having tried so many things I'm ready to give the control over to an expert, haha. Good luck to you with your surgery coming up, It's an important step to take and I'm sure it will help you a lot! Let me know how it goes, best wishes!
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