I know I'm not around here all that much, but I figured I'd at least update with what's going on re: my DS and the balance issues.
We had a follow up neuro appt last week which went great! She has definitely seen improvement within the last month and is not concerned at all. According to her, he is not exhibiting any signs (other than some balance issues when walking) that would indicate anything neurological going on. So she does not want to do an MRI or any further testing (YAY!!).
Though he's still pretty bowlegged, so she suggests that we see an orthopedic to make sure that isn't the cause of his wobbly walking and warranting treatment vs. something he'll grow out of as his legs continue to grow and develop. She even had another pedi neurologist from the practice come in to take a look at him, and he agreed that in his opinion, this looks more like a possible ortho-related thing, not neurological. We are so relieved. So basically she suggested we see the ortho and meanwhile continue with PT and she feels that he should do great. It may just take him a little longer to gain more stability/strength. She did send us for some bloodwork to check his vitamin d, calcium, etc in the meantime. She said for us to come back and follow up in a few months with her, but no rush bc she isn't concerned. Phew! This is awesome news.
We had EI do an OT eval to see if some of this could be sensory-related, and his profile came back with only minimal sensory differences. We also had an OT eval done thru the children's hospital's clinic and they did not see a need for OT. They also saw only minimal sensory differences (no tactile defensiveness/aversions, mainly just some decreased propioceptive awareness/seeking input, which could be bc his tone is a little low, so hes just seeking more input) and his fine motor skills are great. This was also awesome news!
As far as PT goes, we decided to discontinue PT thru EI, and we've started PT thru the local children's hospital's clinic. What a difference! The therapists we've seen so far are amazing and make it so fun and enjoyable for him, as opposed to his screaming/crying he did during sessions with EI's PT. I also have him enrolled in a local gymnastics open gym program which he has a blast with, and in the last few weeks we've already seen such an improvement in his balance!
We're finally in a better place mentally, and can finally breathe a bit easier knowing nothing urgent is going on. It seems like he may just need some extra help to build up strength/stability, and that's ok. I'm eager to see his progress now that we're working with a new PT. It seems like he's already making some great progress on his own! I also feel a lot of relief now that I made the decision to follow my gut and get rid of the EI PT. I was dreading every session with her and so was my kid. So I think its fair to say he wasn't getting much out of that.

Re: small update on us!