Hey love! Its ok about the text, thanks for ignoring me.
Yayy about Mia in her bed and that she's telling you when she poops.
How was your NYE, what did you guys do?
And I KNOW you were talking about me when you said someone uses too many exclamation points...don't think I didn't see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, and it's funny that I posted it because I think I use a lot. But not nearly as much as this person! LOL All the follow up posts to that were hysterical.
Our NYE was awesome. We had an awesome dinner, and just vegged around the house. The rest of the weekend we took Mia to the park, ice skating, Chuck-e-Cheese (where I ran into an old h.s. friend that has a son the same age as Mia and literally lives around the block from us!) and went to visit our friend's yummy 2 week old son!
What did you guys do?
on NYE, nothing. J worked and got home after 8pm. B went to sleep early because she skipped her nap (which she did most of the week). I stayed in 2 days for PT'ing.
It was really nice to be home with her though, we had so much fun.
How are you feeling? How's that belly?
I know. I totally want to SAH now but then I'd feel bad about all that she would be missing out on at school since she loves it and has learned so much there. Nothing is ever perfect I guess!
I'm feeling great, not really tired at all anymore. Yesterday I did all kinds of cooking and deep cleaning. I was an animal! My belly is getting quite big though. I even had to change my shirt this morning because I thought I'd be too uncomfortable with all the tightness!
Ideally, I'd love to have B go to daycare 2 days a week. That won't happen though.
You'll have to post some belly pics soon.
Oh hell no. No one needs to see that shiit.
I do! Lots of us care. You can email them, then.