I know it can take years for eye color to set. I'm so curious to know what color my kids will end up with. I have hazel, DH has blue. We have a 50% chance of blue eyes (my dad had blue). DD2 has dark blue right now. DD1'eyes I can't even tell what color they are, somewhere between blue/green/gray. They're not exactly the same either, one is a little more amber , one is bluer. But I swear they change every single day depending on the light and what she's wearing.
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Interesting fact, in French, hazel is not an eye color. We have no word for it. All my life I've had "brown" eyes that turn greenish in the sun. I move to the US and now I have "hazel" eyes. Exciting!
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DH and I both have blue eyes. His are more of a clear blue and mine are more blue-green. We know DS will have blue eyes, just not sure what shade. They were really dark when he was born but keep getting lighter.
I voted SS because I don't know yet. They're still transitioning I think, so they are still blue/grey. Sometimes in the right light I think I see brown but other times I can't find it. I think they will be brown in the end.
My eyes are brown but my father and all his family have blue eyes. My mom and her family are all brown. Mom said I had green eyes as a small kid for a while before they finally turned. My husband is also brown-eyed, but his mom and sisters all have hazel eyes. Who knows what we'll get!
I have green eyes, husband has blue. I'd love it if Henry got my eyes but everyone on H's side has the exact same freakishly blue eyes, no matter who they breed with, so Henry will probably get those.
Born with dark blue but they keep getting lighter. I have blue eyes and DH has hazel. DS looks just like my husband so I hope DS has my eyes. At this point, I know they will change slightly but would they go from light blue to brown? I'm wondering if from here on out it will be small changes or if they can completely change.
LO has bright blue eyes. Occasionally they look more grey green bust mostly always blue. I have light green eyes that look blue sometimes depending on what I wear and husband has light brown. I'm really hoping they stay blue or at least green.
Still very blue, but no one on either family has blue eyes so I'm expecting them to change. I have green eyes and my husband has brown, we have a few hazel eyes on my side, but mostly brown (his side all brown eyes). So unless LO is a special snowflake like me, they will probably be brown.
@Lissiehoya I'm actually French from Geneva, Switzerland.
Awesome! I visited there in college as a trip with my study abroad program. I spent a semester in Strasbourg.
I also spent the summers of 2012 and 2013 in Paris doing dissertation research. I miss being in Europe.
Do you get back home often?
Sounds awesome! I miss Europe too, in theory, because when I'm actually back in Geneva I can't stand it! I go back 1-2/year. This year because I'm not working I'm taking the girls there for an entire month in December. Not sure how I'm going to survive living with my mom for a month!
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Ds currently is blue but when you really look right near the pupil he seems to be getting this beautiful green that his daddy has! I'm so rooting for that colour....I've got blue eyes
Re: Eye color
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@KBowen715 omg LO has beautiful eyes!!
DS2 will have darker eyes than ds1 as they are already darker/hazel. DS1 still had green eyes at 1 years old.
DH has blue and I have brown eyes (my mom had brown and my dad had blue)
T 2.12 | W 5.14