Two Under 2

Toddler Activities

How does the 2u2 crew handle toddler activities with a baby? What type of activities do you do? How do(did) you coral both the toddler and the baby? Toddler is 19 months, baby is 5 weeks.
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Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                               Lilypie - (2q9u)

Re: Toddler Activities

  • Our main toddler activity is toddler time (basically a play group) twice a week. I've gone since DS was about a month old and DD was 14 months old. While DS was still in the sleepy stage, I just left him in his car seat away from all the curious little hands. Then, I graduated to wearing him. When he got to be 5 or 6 months old, I started putting him on the floor while I sat next to him. Finally, he just started playing alongside the other kids. The whole time DD just played and enjoyed herself. I have to say that we have great parents in our group, so we all chip in when someone is there with 2+ hands and needs help for a moment.

    Besides toddler time, we go to the park and I just used the stroller with DS until he got big enough to explore on his own. We've gone to story time at the library as a family, and the carrier was nice for DS when there wasn't room for a stroller because the room was too small. We also go to church every Sunday, and DD went to the nursery after the first hour while DS went to adult Sunday School with me. On weeks when DH had to work, a teenage boy who loves our kids would sit with me to be an extra set of hands for the first hour.

    Basically, I love our sit and stand stroller, our Moby, and our Ergo. By going hands free to care for my infant and not being afraid to ask for help from willing friends, I could get out almost anywhere we wanted to go. Outings save our sanity. I don't plan to slow down once we have our 3u3, but I will plan a bit more time for getting in and out of the car.
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • Story time, walks, and the park were the easiest thing to do for me with the LOs.  Story time is in a closed off room so DD could wander and I could still see her.  Our children's museum also has a separate toddler room so that was a good place to take the LO's by myself.  

    I wore DS in a moby and then a beco when he was like 5 months or so.  It made things much easier.  I also have a sit and stand which was very helpful for getting to and from places.  Mine are 3.5 and 2 now and I still use the stroller to get into the museum or certain places with a far walk so I don't have to corral two kids by myself.  

    Just do what you can.  At home we colored, read books, watched TV, played Little People.  
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  • Storytime, walking and the grocery store helped keep us sane the first few months. Once I mastered those then I felt comfortable going to the zoo, children's museum, etc.
    We got out a lot- we still do- it's crazier, but the day goes by fast and everyone is tired and ready for bed by the end of day!
  • Storytime at the library, grocery store, parks, and now infant ECFE class on Mondays and toddler ECFE class on Tuesdays. I babywear almost every day. If we lived closer to a childrens museum or zoo, or even a mall with a indoor play place I would also go to those. 

    At home it's basically just a free for all. We color, read, play cars and Little People, build with blocks, play outside before it gets too cold, etc. The days we get out of the house go much smoother for everyone.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @ashiscute What does playing Little People look like?
  • @ashiscute What does playing Little People look like?
    I'm a bit confused.  Like Fisher Price Little People?  DD  and DS have the house, princess castle, stable, car, bus, barn, batcave and all of the princesses and superheroes.  The castle is one of her and DS's favorite toys.  
  • I take the baby to all the toddlers activities. DD1 goes to playgroup, art class, music class, and soccer on a weekly basis. We also go to story time at the library and the children museum occasionally. We go to the playground every afternoon. I always wear the baby in the carrier everywhere we go. She usually sleeps through all of the classes, sometimes she's awake at the playground. She's 5m now and we've been doing this since she was 4weeks old.
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