Special Needs

Going to look at another house tonight

our short sale fell through.  The bank came back at the exact amount they had the house listed at.  Which is way above what the house is worth.  It hasn't sold in over a year and it barely gets views.

so we're changing towns and looking elsewhere.  DH is hoping to get a huge raise next month at his review because of changing job positions.  If so, we'd be able to afford more and possibly stay in this town.  We had positive reviews from another parent that this board of ed was nothing but nice to deal with and writing the IEP.  His son has Prader Willi and doesn't walk so similar needs to DS1 so I doubt they wouldn't keep him at his private school.
To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew

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