June 2014 Moms

Sweaty balls...

...of feet! Anyone else's baby have super duper sweaty feet? They don't smell, but are ALWAYS wet. Not damp...wet.

Re: Sweaty balls...

  • Yes! My babe has sweaty feet and hands! Not quite wet, but often damp. It really takes away from the cuteness that is baby feet! I blame his father.
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  • Yes! His little tosies are always sweaty and sometimes smelly too. But it's not a nasty smell. I can't really explain it.
  • Yes. Dd feet are sweaty like a damp clammy kind of sweaty. She also sweats a lot when she's eating or sleeping during the day. I also blame her dad.
  • Yep, sweaty all the time and starting to get stinky. As a baby, I had to wear odor eaters and DH has the smelliest feet known to man. I think she comes by it naturally.

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  • @CAMag‌ glad it made ya smile. I actually find his feet are less sweaty when he wears socks/shoes/footy pajamas. But when his feet are bare...watch out! They are soaked and will soak whatever touches them, and now smell kinda funky. His socks always stink, too. Hubby's bro has "swamp feet" (as his family calls it)...maybe it's hereditary. Just glad to know we aren't alone...seems like all my girlfriends around here haven't experienced this with their LO's. Thanks for the input ladies!
  • Sometimes his hands smell like they've had a cast on them for weeks and then he sticks them in his mouth. Nasty.
  • Yes me too!!! Yuckkkkkk
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