Hi ladies, don't expect you to remember me - I lurked big time with my first son! We've since had another
Wanted to ask you experienced ladies about our almost 3 year old's sleep. My son has been waking soooo early (4:30 at the earliest). He comes into our bed and wants to play. Sure, we check and make sure he's not wet, etc. however it's an everyday thing now. Grabs his blankets and comes to our room. We will redirect him but if he stays in there it'll only be for another hour.
Are you having similar issues? If so what have you attributed to it? What have been your interventions?
Domesticated: 1 Hubs; 2 sons; 3 cats; & Broke
Re: Yalllow! Sleep question
I hope you can solve the sleep issues soon. Not much worse than not enough sleep!
Anything change with his day naps?
DS1 isn't getting up as early as yours, but he has started getting up at 630-7am instead of his older 8-830am. His going to bed time hadn't changed, but he started doing this a month or 2 ago. Ironically... during the week it is IMPOSSIBLE to get that kid up & moving when I come to get him at 6am. However, on the weekends he has no issue waking us up at 6:30. <sigh>
Or has anything changed in the house you might not realize? (ie water softener kicking on at same time every night, or neighbor leaving for work waking him? etc?)
Just thinking out loud.
My 2 December boys
We're starting to deal with a little 'scared of the dark' stuff here too. I've been debating a night light, but it seems he'll go in stretches of being scared here & there, & then not have any issues for a little while again. I've rather sympathetic to it all because I, as a child, had an extreme case of being 'scared of the dark.' I remember how I felt. I was terrified & frozen in my bed at night. Just terrible to say the least. I hope my boys never know that level of being scared. (Now it has to be as dark as possible, otherwise I can't sleep LOL)
I know as babies, if they don't get good sleep during the day, it can also impact the night sleep.. I'd assume that could still be held true at their ages now, but I guess I'm not sure. As babies, I recently was reading how some parents think keeping the kiddos up will make them sleep more at night, but it can have a reverse affect. That was my train of thought on the day naps. Maybe if he can improve on those, you can see how that affects his night time sleep.
Hope you get things smoothed out!
My 2 December boys