May 2014 Moms

Any Diva Cup users? Come on in...

Anyone who uses the Diva Cup vs. Tampons, Pads etc... 
Why did you switch? Do you still use it post baby(s)? 

I love mine, I wish more people knew about it!! When I used tampons I had one get 'lost' (I think DH and I DTD and I thought I took it out) and got super sick, then after that incident, I had headaches and other signs of TSS every time I used tampons, which would go away immediately when I removed them. I hate, HATE, HATE pads just because they feel so bulky and uncomfortable like a diaper and they would leak if they somehow got in a weird position or something. 

I just got my first 'real' PP period, and I celebrated by replacing my Diva Cup, and started using it again. It reminded me all over again why switching to it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I try to convert everyone I know (that I feel comfortable discussing periods with). LOL Surprisingly, not many people are willing to give them a try but hey- I am also saving tons of money not buying friggin tampons or pads. I feel like I am cheating the system somehow... and it feels great. 
Nikolas Knight 
Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


Nolan Lawrence 
Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter

Re: Any Diva Cup users? Come on in...

  • I use something like it-- Luna cup I think. I actually invested in it, had one period, then I got KU and didn't need it for a long time. Agree though, it's great. I appreciate that I can wear it for 12 hrs before emptying. Nice to only have to worry about AF twice a day.

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  • And it doesnt leak at all? White pants trustworthy?!? Do you feel it inside at all? Now I'm curious!
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  • Nope never used it, can't get over the concept, however, I will vouch for Ob tampons. Seriously, they went out of stock everywhere a few years ago such that I was forced to use tampax. I couldn't believe how uncomfortable tampax are, they suck to put in, they're uncomfortable to wear, and they suck to take out. Seriously, try Ob!
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  • It takes practice, I wore a liner when I first used it. I can't think of any circumstance where I'd ever wear white pants, particularly not during AF.

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  • ****Googles Diva Cup*****

  • Haven't tried Diva, but I had such horrendous bleeding with Paragard that I switched from pads and tampons to the disposable Instead Softcup. I absolutely loved it. It was messy to insert and remove but I liked it so much better than pads and tampons. There's a learning curve though, and it can be leaky (which can be an advantage if you have a heavy flow, bc you can expel blood from it without removing it; sounds gross but Google it). I'm not sure I'd wear white pants with it.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • Love the diva cup!!! Started before having kids and still using it. I had super heavy random bleeding with pcos before DD so it was the only thing I could use safely for more than 1 hr at a time.

    I just wear a luna pad pantyliner with it for minor drippage and I'm good to go. I cannot feel it at all.

    I did work my way up to it with ob tampons, then instead softcups, then the diva cup.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers 
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  • Wash after dumping (mild fragrance free soap - I use dr bronners). Boil for 20 mins. after each cycle. (If I'm in a public restroom I just dump and replace...)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Ive kinda been t hinking about this recently... PP AF has been a lot heavier after DS, and i hate buying disposable paper products. Where does one get a diva cup? 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • (Sorry...I feel like I stole this thread OP)

    You can get them online. I got my last one at whole foods though.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I wish I could try it but you're not supposed to use them with the para guard :/
    BabyFetus Ticker 

  • I wish I could try it but you're not supposed to use them with the para guard :/

    That's because there's supposedly a minor [microscopic, almost nonexistent] risk of pulling the IUD out with the cup. My OB laughed it off when I asked her, and told me to use whatever I feel like using as long as I checked my strings every month like you're supposed to do anyway.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • I'm a semi crunchy person, but I'm not crunchy enough for this. My google reaction was one of :-O. More power to you ladies! :)
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  • User here! Haven't purchased a tampon in four years. Actually looking forward to purchasing my new size (target has them online).

    I just empty and replace when I am at home. My flow was such that I could make it 16 hours if needed. I have heard of people using a bottle of water in public places for rinsing purposes. It is a tad messy, but when you only have to do it twice a day, totally worth it.

    White pants- the first year while I was getting used to it, I needed a liner. After that, I totally trusted it. I even ditched the "just for period panties" because I didn't have issues with leaking.

    Two other benefits that haven't been mentioned:
    1: you can put it in before you get your period if you are that regular. I.e. You get it at 1pm the day after horrible cramps, put it in that morning. Because there are no free fibers, it isn't dangerous to wait until af leaks through your pants announcing her arrival.
    2: it doesn't leave you feeling dry. Tampons suck up moisture... Good moisture included. The cup just collects like a drip tray, not a sponge.

    Sorry for the dissertation, bit op is very correct in that this is an amazing product... Just takes some education and patience to get on board! Ask away, I will try to answer as well!
  • I only used a soft cup when TTC one time so i wouldn't leak too much, and I got pregnant that cycle so i never got another chance. I knew women used them for periods but I felt that it would be so messy getting out and in. If u start to leak in the middle of the day and have to change it or dump it at work, do u just walk out of the stall with messy hands??That's what I fear.

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • I only used a soft cup when TTC one time so i wouldn't leak too much, and I got pregnant that cycle so i never got another chance. I knew women used them for periods but I felt that it would be so messy getting out and in. If u start to leak in the middle of the day and have to change it or dump it at work, do u just walk out of the stall with messy hands??That's what I fear.

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • I only used a soft cup when TTC one time so i wouldn't leak too much, and I got pregnant that cycle so i never got another chance. I knew women used them for periods but I felt that it would be so messy getting out and in. If u start to leak in the middle of the day and have to change it or dump it at work, do u just walk out of the stall with messy hands?? That's what I fear.

    Unfortunately, yes. You just clean the blood off your hands with TP in the stall, then wash at the sink as usual. If you're really worried about bloody hands, you can carry wet wipes in your purse. It's not a huge deal. I've gotten my hands much messier trying to change my kids' dirty diapers in public restrooms.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • At my work there is a sink right next to the toilet, but otherwise there is usually no need to empty it right away, so I wait until I get home. I used a liner at first (started using the Diva after DS1) but now, like others have said I trust it. I can wear non-period panties YAY! Also, I noticed after I started using it my cramps eased up and my flow actually got lighter because the tampons irritated me, I guess. You just have to make sure to position it well in the morning or whatever and go about your day as usual. Like others said, you don't get 'dry' either so it is much more comfortable to insert or remove, and you can put it in before your regular period, and on days when you are not sure if AF is coming, or going... lol I have some cycles where it stops for a day and then comes back after 24 or 48 hours so it saves me the guesswork and my underwears. haha.
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • Also, a tip for public restrooms- sounds really weird but I bring a tiny disposable Tupperware with lid (like the kind used for condiments) in my purse when I have AF, and fill it w. hot water before going in the stall- put the diva cup in, pop the lid on and shake it clean for the least messy results, then just dump the liquid in the toilet, reinsert and throw away the Tupperware, wash hands. voila. I store the diva cup in a clean one when I think AF might start, so that way I have a Tupperware with me too, in a pinch if I need it, then keep/store it in the pouch thing it comes with after boiling it at the end of my cycle. 
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • gypsymysticgypsymystic member
    edited September 2014
    ns1 said:
    (Sorry...I feel like I stole this thread OP) You can get them online. I got my last one at whole foods though.
    Online, at sprouts, whole foods. Most recently I got it online at target. You replace it once a year.

    I have had to replace my first one before DS2 mid-cycle and before the year was up because in my early days using it... I accidentally dropped it in the toilet so I recommend keeping a spare at home, (and one pad in your purse) in case this happens. 
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • I educated 4 women in my office about this today. All of us: @-)
  • bossyferg said:
    And it doesnt leak at all? White pants trustworthy?!? Do you feel it inside at all? Now I'm curious!
    You can not feel it, but sometimes you will feel the 'stem' part, which can be trimmed off depending on your comfort and skill level with it. The stem on the Diva cup is to help remove it, I know some, like the Luna Cup I believe have no stem.
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • I like my Lady Cup even better than the Diva I had before. It's more flexible and comfy. When I have to clean it in public restroom I just wipe it out with toilet paper. Then I wash it when I get home. I use a cloth pad as backup.

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ok so I got mine the other day. Im expecting AF anytime now. Is this something I should practice with beforehand? Or just wing it when its time?
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • frasey said:
    ok so I got mine the other day. Im expecting AF anytime now. Is this something I should practice with beforehand? Or just wing it when its time?

    *Quote box fail*

    When I got mine, I practiced folding it, that is the part that takes some getting used to. Figure out what works for you- I like to use the 'U' fold it explains to insert it because it pops out easier once inserted IMO. The instructions cover how to fold it various ways. Then insert it a few times and do the 'twist test' to make sure it is fully open, turn the cup 1 full revolution. If it feels uncomfortable, it is not inserted right.
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • I thought it was easier once af was present... Slides in a little easier. Like pp, I like the u as well. But it takes practice!
  • hswanberg said:
    I thought it was easier once af was present... Slides in a little easier. Like pp, I like the u as well. But it takes practice!
    It is easier once AF starts, I agree... but it never hurts to practice, even if just the folding part. 
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ok so AF is here now, and im getting used to it. I had to cut the stem almost all the way off, as I couldn't get it comfortable any other way! but so far so good for the most part :) 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • ns1ns1 member
    @frasey, I cut the stem almost all the way off too with my first one after it bugged me.  With the second one I got I just cut the thing all the way off before even messing with it!
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  • ns1 said:
    @frasey, I cut the stem almost all the way off too with my first one after it bugged me.  With the second one I got I just cut the thing all the way off before even messing with it!

    It's weird, with my first one it never bothered me, but I think where I had my PP stitches this time I now feel the stem, and am thinking of trimming it or cutting it off entirely, since I don't need to grip it anyway. :/
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
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