Trouble TTC

Ovulation Pain

Hey ladies so this Saturday I go in for my 2nd IUI and I'll be getting my shot tonight before bed. My u/s yesterday showed that I had one follicle on the right side. But I have pain on my left side... I usually do and it's just only noticeable when pressure is applied and sometimes when I walk. I have heard that it's normal to have some pain on the side that you ovulate. I have not been diagnosed with endometriosis and when I was younger I did have cysts. Does anyone else have similar experiences? I have been on clomid for 5 months.

Re: Ovulation Pain

  • Yes I am seeing an RE and the only thing that is of concern is MH's sperm morphology. His sperm count and motility is perfectly normal. My tubes are not blocked my thyroid is normal and both our weight is normal. He is 26 and i am 23 .And they didn't see anything on the u/s as far as a cyst so I'll take your advice in that everything is fine.
  • BookishMommaBookishMomma member
    edited September 2014
    I had what I thought was ovulation pain for many cycles in a row, and it was always on the same side. I then found out I had an endo cyst on that side. It was visible to my RE on ultrasound. That's just my experience, though. O pain doesn't necessarily mean problems. Lots of women have it in the days before, of, or following ovulation without any other issues. It really depends on your particular situation. 
    DX: I'm a Recurrent Loser
    Me (35) + DH (37) - Married Sept. 2007
    BFP #1 - DS born 7/11/11
    BFP#2 11/13/13 - EDD 7/29/14 - M/C at 5w3d
    BFP #3 12/28/13 - EDD 9/7/14 - M/C at 4w6d
    BFP#4 3/27/14 -  EDD 12/5/14 - Girl lost to 45X at 8w6d - D&C 
    BFP#5 10/15/14 - EDD 6/30/15 - M/C at 7w2d
    BFP #6 1/5/15 - EDD 9.16.14 [CLICKY for progress]
    In search of a image

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  • I get pain on both sides before and after ovulation, my RE said it's because my ovaries are working overtime to create follicles.
    Me: 26, PCOS, Clear HSG
    DH: 29, Perfectly Normal SA

    Married Since 10/6/2012
    TTC Since 6/2013

    2/2014: Visited OB-GYN, Low Progesterone
    3/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    4/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    5/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    6/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN

    7/2014: First RE visit, Diagnosed with PCOS, Started on 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 1 22mm Follicle, BFN
    8/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 2 Mature Follicles, BFN
    9/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #1, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    10/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2, 1 Mature Follicle, BFN
    11/2014: 5 mg Femara + 75 mg Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI #3, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    12/2014: Starting IVF in January

    1/2015: IVF with ICSI, Currently Stimming

    *****Everyone is Welcome*****

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