May 2013 Moms


LO used to take medicine great. She would actually suck it right out of the syringe! But with this latest teething bout she is now refusing to take Motrin.

Need some new tips/tricks, what do you do?
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Re: Medicine

  • We just try to be silly, fly it like an airplane and lots of exaggerated Good Girl Good Girls when she does open up. I give her just a bit at a time.
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  • Ugh, no advice here, but wanted to wish you luck. LO is terrible about taking medicine. She will take it better from daddy though.


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  • We still use teething tablets.  We hold them out to J and he determines himself if he needs them or not (yes, I am amazed at this skill).  However, if we're ever in doubt, we switch it up to Tylenol.  Maybe try a new medicine and see if she takes it differently?  
  • We give it at bath time when hes distracted..we just say time for some yum yums and then put a little in at a time..he doesnt seem to mind.  Otherwise when being held and doing it was just not working.
  • Thanks for the tips. I will grab another flavor next time I go to the store and see if that does anything.
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  • @3timemom, that sucks!  My six year old takes it really well, she picks up the cup after i measure it out and drinks it herself!  Hopefully it gets easier!
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  • Like tricia560 said, I've mixed Tylenol and Motrin into applesauce and spoon fed it.
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  • I hope she takes it soon. My son always asks for "more". Haha.
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