April 2015 Moms

Oh crap.. Why did I do that?!

Totally watched The Fault in our Stars this afternoon knowing I am already a horomones mess.. Let's just say I'm getting ready for work with crazy puffy eyes!

What have you ladies done this pregnancy knowing you probably should have reconsidered?

Re: Oh crap.. Why did I do that?!

  • Omg!! Look away!!! Only uplifting stories :)
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  • I Google a lot of birth defects and yesterday I was reading birth horror stories.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm usually not one to get emotional about Tv shows/movies/commercials... but the new Budweiser commercial with the dog. OH MY WORD. Tears. 

    Also, at the gym this morning, I decided to watch episode one of the final season of HIMYM. Know how foolish I felt on the elliptical with tears in my eyes??


    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I constantly read articles about how stress is bad for your baby and then stress out over how stressed I am. Oy!!!
  • I learned my lesson last time. Russian novels, no! The news? Heck no! Movies that aren't made by Pixar? Not unless you want to calm me down for an hour! Now I'm sticking to Gilmore Girls, magazines, and Pintrest. I'm a much happier lady.
    Me: 27
    DH: 34

    Ticker id: Q1i7

    Lilypie - (qjIQ)

    Building a family since 12/29/12!
  • angi3o said:

    RHoPA1109 said:

    I mentioned this briefly yesterday...but yesterday I lost it an an animal exhibit. There were a plethora of jungle animals on display...all in tiny cages. One in particular was the saddest--a jungle cat that was just maniacally pacing back and forth in the cage. I started bawling my eyes out because this poor cat was clearly miserable a d in distress and then told one of the show workers that keeping that beautiful jungle cat in such a small cage was animal abuse and they should all be ashamed and reevaluate their values. So, I should not attend any type of animal attraction.

    Omg I just did this a week ago at our town's fair. It was hot and the animals were in tiny cages with no water and they were crying. It was soo friggen sad
    Don't Google "Singapore Zoo polar bear"..... Heart breaking.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I should not read the news, but I like to be informed but it just gives me anxiety(even before being pregnant). I regret googling a few things, cause now I'm paranoid. Like is my babies heart beat too high, (193, but doctor said it was from my anxiety the day before and baby is fine, just relax). And I really regret buying this super cute fit and flare dress for my birthday on August, and I haven't received it in the mail yet (overseas) and I know it won't fit me! :(
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