July 2014 Moms

2 Month Vaccines

DD received her first round of vaccines this morning and seemed to be doing just fine until about an hour ago. Now she is inconsolable and won't stop crying, which is very unusual for her because she is usually very happy and content. I gave her a dose of Tylenol and I plan to give her another one after four hours, but is there anything else I can do to help ease the pain? I just feel so awful because she is hurting and I can't seem to help her feel better.
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Re: 2 Month Vaccines

  • Let LO get as much sleep as possible. The only time my babe wasn't screaming and out if control was when he slept. And he slept a lot for 2 days after the shots. I held him and gave lots of snuggles all while trying not to put pressure on his thighs because that's what seemed to trigger the crying. It might be a rough day or two but like every one says, this too shall pass. Get some good cuddle time in! Maybe try a nice warm bath to help relax?

  • Mine was a wreck that night- inconsolable, the only thing that helped was the swing that made her pass out and then she would wake screaming again. Tonight will be rough, I'm sorry
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  • It's normal. Just try to snuggle up and do the normal things that soothe her. Maybe a warm bath would help if she likes those. The Tylenol helped my DD and let her fall asleep.
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  • I agree with the above on not touching the thighs. My LO was okay unless I moved her legs or thighs, so I stayed away from those as much as possible.
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  • The Tylenol seems to have kicked in and seems to be helping. I put her in the swing, and she finally fell asleep. I will try a warm bath tonight before bed to see if that helps her at all. Thank you for the suggestions!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • mine was a wreck yesterday. walking and driving in the car was the only way to get LO asleep. by night LO was fine and is great today.
  • mine was a wreck yesterday. walking and driving in the car was the only way to get LO asleep. by night LO was fine and is great today.
    Glad to hear that your LO is doing better!!
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  • Nothing much to add here , except that we decided to schedule his next round of shots on a Friday. So when he's crabby overnight, we aren't both heading to work :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We have a little boo boo buddu ice pack that i put on DS thighs after his when he was fussy and couldnt have more Tylenol yet, it seemed to help he quieted down after i put it on.
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  • Try setting a warm washcloth on baby's thighs. Seems to help a little, I think.
  • Another vote for the ice pack! We used Tylenol, but her thighs were SO red and swollen! Ice packs calmed her down enough to get to sleep and let the Tylenol kick in and keep her asleep.
  • Mine had hers today too. She has been sleeping 99% of the day. Did wake up screaming a scream I have never heard before. I have her tylenol assuming she was hurting. And she's sleeping again. Hoping this passes soon!
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  • 2 month vaccines seem to have been the worst round for DS1. DS2 just had his yesterday and clearly felt terrible. Today he's back to normal. Hoping future vaccinations are easier like they were for DS1.
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  • I was told to massage the thighs it helps distribute the medication and gets knots out
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  • So how long was it after the shots before your LOs started to feel bad? Immediately, several hours, in between? I am deciding if I should take off work that day- shots are at 8am.
    My DD didn't have a fever until the next afternoon, so for us it took about 24 hours. I just gave her a dose of tylenol, and she was good to go, maybe a little sleepy. 
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  • LO had his shots 2 weeks ago...doctor told me to try and avoid Tylenol of possible because she said it can minimize the strength of the vaccines...not sure if that's true or not
  • dobbyisfreedobbyisfree member
    edited September 2014
    Avoid tylenol before the shots. In theory it can reduce vaccine effectiveness but as long as its given after the vaccines, it doesnt make much of a difference. Premedicating with Tylenol has been shown to decrease immune response.
  • @amlonica‌ I was told by the dr and nurses to give dis and dd Tylenol before their shots. @mamalacy21‌ my kids never had a bad reaction. They cry during and a little right after and then sleep more that day and the next but aren't feverish or cranky. DS got his 2month round today so I might be wrong tomorrow but so far today and with DD just extra sleepy nothing else.
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  • So how long was it after the shots before your LOs started to feel bad? Immediately, several hours, in between? I am deciding if I should take off work that day- shots are at 8am.

    Ours were at 11am. She was sound asleep by the time we got home. Slept most of the afternoon (about 4pm) until I decided I needed to wake her because she had been so long without food (hadn't eaten since 10am). She ate okay but then was super fussy/cranky til bedtime. Slept normally that night and was fine the next day.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So how long was it after the shots before your LOs started to feel bad? Immediately, several hours, in between? I am deciding if I should take off work that day- shots are at 8am.

    our appt was 830. LO feel asleep on the way home and was a mess after waking up. so. about 2 hrs later.

  • @Jbosarge85‌ I am a pharmacist and I actually just completed a continuing education on it right before the baby was born, so I think the study on predosing is actually relatively new. I didnt ask my pedi if they'd heard because honestly they tend to ask me drug questions so there is no point...
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