
Should I be considering genetic testing?

So I'm doing my first IVF in November and a friend of mine said that if you do genetic testing, they will use the best sperm available during ICSI. She has had IVF 4 times, so she pays extra to do this. My doctor didn't tell me anything about this... should I ask? Is it something people consider for first IVF?

Thanks! There is so much to learn!
Our story:
Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
Me: 35 - normal test results
Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
IVF #1 
11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized. 
Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400 
12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
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All are welcome!

Re: Should I be considering genetic testing?

  • You and your partner can be genetically screened before your cycle, to determine if you are carriers of any traits that can be detrimental to reproduction. You can also perform genetic testing on any embryos that form during your IVF cycle.

    DH and I did not do either. (I had been previously genetically screened for other reasons, but it covered all the typically screened traits). And we have now experienced a M/C after or first full IVF cycle. 

    In hindsight, do I wish I had done genetic testing on myself and DH? Yes, DH especially. At least I think I would feel less guilt after this recent m/c, if this was something that maybe could have been prevented.

    Do I wish I had had CCS/PGD done on our embryos? Still on the fence with this one. According to our RE, our age and absence of previous m/c led him to believe it was of little value. Also, our embies are already frozen, and trying to thaw them to perform screening has it's own risks.

    Now if we continue to experience m/c with the remainder of our embryos, I think we will both likely change our minds.
  • Thank you both for the advice and information. I was tested for CF and I was negative, but that is all that we were checked for. I am going to talk to my doctor about it and see if it even makes sense. Do you know how much it adds to the pricetag? IFinTN
    Our story:
    Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
    Me: 35 - normal test results
    Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
    First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
    IVF #1 
    11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized. 
    Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
    11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
    11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400 
    12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
    12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
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    BabyFruit Ticker
    All are welcome!

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  • Your friend is probably talking about some form of PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening), which basically makes sure that your embryos have the right number of chromosomes. I believe at my clinic it would cost $1500-$2000 for the biopsy and shipping of the sample and then you would still have to pay the lab that does the testing (another few thousand dollars I believe).




    TTC #1 since August 2011

    My Blog

    September 2012: Start IF testing

    DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA  Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA

    October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos

    November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues.  Converted to freeze all due to lining issues.  2 blasts frozen on day 6!

    January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues

    April 2015: FET #2.1

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

  • For me, it was 5k for up to 8 embryos and then something like $500 for each additional.

    It is not standard of care and most REs would not recommend it unless you were over 35 and/or had a hx of miscarriages. The experts are not united in their views on testing. There are a lot of pros and cons, so you should talk to your RE. I also think it really depends on how you personally look at things - risks of miscarriage or chromosomal abnormality, amount of time to get pregnant, risk of losing normal embryos, limitations of testing, finances. There is a lot to consider. 

    That being said, I wish I had done it after my retrieval. I ended up deciding to do it later on already frozen embryos, which added additional stress. 
    Me (31), DH (33), one furbaby (7) - unexplained IF 
    hysteroscopy and polypectomy 2/14
    IVF #1 3/2014 - cancelled (early ovulation)
    IVF #1.2  ER 5/16/14: 23R 18F -  freeze all (12) due to concern for late onset OHSS 
    FET #1 in June - delayed due to thin lining, 7/18 SET (7.5 mm lining) resulted in chemical pregnancy
    FET #2 in Sept - 9/4 transferred 2 CCS tested embryos (6.5mm lining)
    9/13 beta #1 - 400, 9/15 beta #2 - 950, U/S 9/22 one gestational/yolk sac - next up 9/29
    3 frozen CCS tested embryos remaining
  • We're doing PGD due to a chromosomal abnormality discovered when RE was trying to figure out DH's low count. We were told that without it, I would lose any male embryos that also have the abnormality (females are not at risk, but "some" male are) at "some point" in the pregnancy. We didn't want to go thru the whole process to miscarry, and wonder "what if" we could have prevented it.

    It's considered "elective" by our insurance. We appealed, and are waiting on the determination, but at this point it's all OOP. The probe that was made for us was $250, and the testing of up to 8 embryos is $3000.

    Bonus- we can pick which gender to transfer later on :) not sure if we'll make that choice yet or not, depends on the final # of viable embryos and how many are male/female. May be nice to have that surprise later.


    Our Story

    Me- 35, mild hypothyroidism

    DH- 29, low count due to a chromosomal abnormality, only option is IVF/ICSI with PGD.

    Married 5/13

    TTC since 8/13

    IVF/ICSI #1 ER 9/14 - 14R, 6M, 6F, 5 blasts off to PGD- 1 normal female, 2 balanced males

    FET 12/8 of 2 frosties - 1 male/1 female - stick babies stick! 

    Beta #1 10dp5dt 444! Beta #2 14dp5dt 2,340!  U/S 1/5-- TWINS!!!  EDD 8/26/15

    "You'll never see the rainbow if you can't survive the storm"

     image    image

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I had IVF w/PGD because I know I am a carrier for a genetic disease.  The cost of the PGD testing and to create the probe was $7900. That is just for PGD, the IVF cost is separate.

    Good Luck in your decision.


  • Thank you all! I called my clinic and they said that because I am not a known carrier of any genetic diseases (I was just tested for CF that I know of) and this is my first IVF cycle, they don't recommend or even offer it.

    It's a decision I guess I don't have to make right now. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that all goes well in November and I don't have to think about it again!
    Our story:
    Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
    Me: 35 - normal test results
    Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
    First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
    IVF #1 
    11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized. 
    Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
    11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
    11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400 
    12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
    12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
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    BabyFruit Ticker
    All are welcome!

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