If you are new and would like to be added to KUFMO (Knocked Up Fall Madness Oylmpics) please let me know and I will put you into the waiting section. We ask that new posters on the board have a waiting period before joining the KUFMO to be fair to those that have been here longer. Also if I got you wrong sorry and just let me know. If you asked to be added and I forgot please just remind me please! Big hugs to all that need them and FX to everyone in the TWW!
Welcome to the Fall edition and I think we can all happilly say BUAH BYE to summer since it was a pretty rough one for this group. So lets embrace fall and watch the GOLD Medals roll in!!
Name Type Current Status Next step/Notes
@Annibes CD1? Have you been able to reschedule SA?
@Aprildrew04 Natural TI Cycle while gearing up for IUI next cycle!! FX for RE appointment this week!!!
@Bananappeal145 CD8 Did some hard work and is readdy to get back to it- Clomid and Byetta IUI Cycle! Follies make friends and invite them to the party- better be atleast 2 of you!!
@Designer303 CD WTF, Day 10 of Provera bring on AF- cysts please kindly GTFO!
@Frenchteachermama FET is scheduled for 10/30- WAHOO!!
@GraceyandTroy CD7 Cancelled cycle
so sorry honey, hoping you can regroup and convince your ovaries to be more cooperative!
@Iloveshanej CD1? Final home study DONE and hoping the wait is short!!!!
@JimBobCooter Donor Train!! ER complete 10 mature follicles now officially belong to this lady!!! ET this weekend- so so EXCITED!!
@Jodee37 11DPO Starting IVF #1 as long as that bitch of a cyst that keeps rearing her ugly head doesnt get in the way- PO Cyst!
@potatoecastillo 3DPIUI- TWW! FX! POAS Police have your on their radar!!
@Tortuga47 Longest cycle EVER- Dooon"t stop belieeeeving!! (hugs)
@efhoping2010 IVF/ICSI Hoping for IVF #4 work-up Soon!!
@Steph1673 Sending you hugs and love- Recover all the recoverables!
@sept14 17DPIUI- Seriously I am hoping your body can start being less confusing, that weird limbo crap SUCKS!!
@HawaiianSunset09 Sending you hugs Yay for negative Beta so that you can move on!!
@sailorgal 2DPIUI okay for real this time let this cycle be the funny conception story that you can eventually laugh about!! FX!! POAS police have you on their radar!!
@kikimo327 CD19- RE on hold- natural for now!
@BookishMomma CD1? Can we finally have a bench burning party?!?
@hoppin747 Stupid CYST, please go away and let the forward progress begin!!
@phishgirl29 CD10 FET Cycle- let us know when you have a calendar!!
@Flamingemu Sugery scheduled for 10/30 FX for good results and a quick recovery!
GOLD MEDAL WINNERS- Happy and Healthy Nine Months!!!! We Love You!
@Momarazzi007 Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
@iheartsippycups2 Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
Waiting next cycle, CD1 (or next step from Doctors) to join KUSMO- hopefully BFP and onward!
@MoFree IVF Cycle- FX! Let us know next CD1!
TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck
Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man. Born 12/2/11
TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended
Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good. Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.
Back with RE as of January 2014...
5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy
April 2015 IVF#1
5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!
Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
Not *quite* yet, but hopefully by this time next week. I think AF is here (spotting started and hopefully will pick up by the end of the day). I called the RE's office and they scheduled an office hysteroscopy for next Monday, 9/29. My doc wants to take one more look in my ute to make sure all retained tissue is gone and that everything is good to go before starting me on any meds or treatment cycle.
BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).
the universe can fuck off.
"You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope
BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).
the universe can fuck off.
"You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope
S/A got rescheduled for tomorrow. Here's hoping for some better numbers!
JimBobCooter Grow grow grow stick stick stick!!!
TTC #2 since 1/1/13
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017