Potty Training

Is tapping diaper a ready sign?

DS has been approaching me or DH and tapping his diaper to tell me he either went pee or is about to poop.  This is becoming more consistent and I was wondering is this a sign he is ready for potty training?  The only problem is, when I ask if he wants to sit on the potty, he always says no.  If he is not ready, what would the next step be to point him in the direction for down the road?  Thank you. 

Re: Is tapping diaper a ready sign?

  • The tapping in itself not so much.  But the fact that he is indicating that he needs to have his diaper changed is good.  Wanting to be clean is a very important sign.  However, wanting to actually use the potty is necessary also.  

    DS is 2 and we have been introducing the potty by encouraging him to sit on before he gets in the bath and right when he wakes up.  He also tells he has to poop and we ask if he wants to use the potty.  Sometimes he says yes, sometimes no.  We let him wear underwear around the house so that he can understand the difference between underwear and diapers.  

    Right now all you can do is keep it positive and light and low pressure.  Encourage but don't demand.  
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