February 2014 Moms

My lyfe...

Hi ladies.

I'm sorry I've been totally MIA. Life is kicking my butt right now. My toddler broke her arm at daycare AGAIN and of course dealing with that is not fun but now I'm also struggling with whether to pull her and C out of that DC because two broken bones in 4 months is ridiculous. The problem is they are both really happy there and it is the most convenient for DH and I, and it is far cheaper than a nanny so  rock/me/hardplace. Pedi thinks it is okay to keep them there, mom wants me to get a nanny, but I know that is not a great option for the very social toddler.

Also my friend who I posted about with the baby whose lungs and kidneys are not developing is moving forward with trying to increase the chances she will be able to be born and survive, including surgeries, etc. Still a very uphill battle.

The bump in my arm pit I think is slowly going away - yea :)

My BFF from grad school's husband was stuck in Cabo with no food/water/way to get in touch with people or get out of Mexico for three days, but he is home now, thank God.

My mom's corgi had to be put down one week after she found out it had been cancer. We are definitely a pets = better than people family so of course that has been rough.

We also discovered a suspected Hernia on DD1 by her vulva that may need to be operated on to correct. At least we can do it in a year where we've already met our insurance deductible?

So tl/dr life is ridiculous right now and I pretty much just want to curl up in fetal position every day and make it all stop.

Thanks for listening to me get that all out.

DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

Re: My lyfe...

  • Big hugs sweetie! What are the circumstances of the arm breaks?
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  • Oh man!!!!!! ((Hugs hugs hugs hugs)). I'm so sorry that things are rough for you right now. That sounds like a lot to deal with. You're a great Mom, and you're doing an awesome job at tackling all of the craziness.

    I want to ask more about broken bone #2... how did it happen? Kids are kids and they get hurt, yes. But second broken bone in such a short time sends flags up for me.
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  • (((Hugs)))
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  • So both breaks have been minor but both happened on the slide - the first time she went down funny, but this time someone came down too soon after her and she got knocked to the ground. Clearly a supervision issue. They have been very apologetic, probably b/c they are scared I'm going to sue them (which I never would because really, what good would that do?).

    We are meeting with DC director tonight to talk about if this is still the right place for us as well as what steps will be taken in the future to prevent this kind of thing.

    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

  • so many ((((hugs))))) Good luck meeting with the DC director. I'm sure you will know what the right decision is for the girls.




  • Hugs to you, you do have a lot on your plate! I'm glad you vented to us. FX your talk with the DCP goes well...let us know how it turns out.
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  • Oh man I'm so sorry! The broken bone thing is definitely frustrating, but I think you're doing the right thing by talking about it and waiting a bit before you pull her out.  I've worked at day care and even with constant vigilance kids still get hurt.  So talk to the director and go with your gut.

    At DS2's first day care, he came home from school every single day for two weeks with a new bite mark.  They had a biter in class and DS2 was the target.  It was terrible, and his DC teacher felt absolutely awful.  It was so hard for me to feel like I was sending him someplace where he wasn't feeling safe.

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  • That's far more than your 3 bad things quota - who else's bad luck have you taken on board? Sorry everything is happening all at once, but as others have said, the supervision doesn't sound like it was upto the expected standards. And if they're lacking in play supervision, where else do they fall down?
  • Sending you hugs
  • Big ((hugs)) to you! I hope things settle down for you soon!
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks so much for letting me vent ladies. We had a pretty good meeting with DC this afternoon and I know they are going to try their best to make sure that the teachers know her history. Another piece of the puzzle is that she is so tall that people forget she actually the youngest in her class, not the oldest, so they have some expectations of her that are sometimes not realistic. DH does not want a nanny, so we are giving the DC one more chance. Obviously they can't guarantee anything, but hopefully this was the last incident!

    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

  • (((hugs))) Hope things starting looking up soon!
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  • (((((All of my hugs))))
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    Because Daryl+Puppy =ALL the feels

  • ((((Hugs))))
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  • RondackHikerRondackHiker member
    edited September 2014
    I'd be running to the doctor to request a full checkup and possibly bone scans.

    Two broken bones in a short time from incidents that aren't that serious (assuming you have the full story) would be a huge red flag to me. Id worry her bones were weak or not healing swiftly and so something was wrong.

    And the caretakers proving regular care should know your daughter well enough that they don't forget she is the youngest. They should also know her capabilities, since those vary so much more than age. All that is another red flag. I also don't see how that has shit to do with this incident. No matter the age, kids use the slide one at a time. If the slide is too steep or dangerous for some of the children in the group, then it should be removed. It still being there is yet another red flag.

    image image
  • I'm with @RondackHiker 100%. 

    Her bone density and strength may not be what it should be, especially with her being tall. 

    And honestly, I don't know how I would feel comfortable still leaving my kids there. I know accidents happen, and I know it may be a fluke that it's the same accident....twice...in such a short time. 
    If it was years apart....maybe, because yes, accidents happen. But again? So soon? I feel like someone at the DC was not paying enough attention to your DD or the child right behind her (probably both) and that gives me a huge sense of unease. 
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  • Wow, that is a lot to deal with.  I am so sorry.  ((HUGS))

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