Baby Names

Advice on our short list of girl names

My husband and I prefer names that aren't super popular but aren't super made up either. We are 5 months pregnant with a girl and are just barely coming up with a few names we agree on. Please let me know what you think about these or offer any others. Thanks!

Re: Advice on our short list of girl names

  • I prefer Adeline or Adelina to Adelaide. I think Sadie is a cute nn for Sarah or maybe even Seraphina. Scarlett is nms and too popular for my taste. I don't think Novalie is a recognized name. I've heard Nova before. I think maybe Nova Leigh would be better.
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  • Scarlett is the only one I kind of don't hate.
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  • I think Scarlett is the best of the bunch. 

    BTW, isn't Novalee from the book/movie Where the Heart is? 
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  • Scarlett: very pretty

    Sadie: nms but not bad

    Adelaide: also very pretty

    Novalie: I don't really see the appeal, sorry. Still not a fan but I think that Nova Lee would be better. Also Coralie sounds similar but is much prettier.

    Other ideas:
  • 1) Adelaide -- I prefer Adelheid, Adelaide is a place name to me
    2) Scarlett -- Not bad, but it feels trite and precious, Sarah is a better choice to me or Josephine
    3) Novalie -- It feels smoosh and made-up; I'd go with Neva-Lee or Nieve
    4) Sadie -- Ugghhh, SO SO old lady, I'd pick Sarah
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  • In order of preference: Adelaide, Scarlett, Sadie, Novalie
  • Adelaide then Scarlett. Sadie is too cutesie as a formal name to me. And I do not like Novalie at all.
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  • I like Adelaide and Scarlett best. I loved Novalee from Where the Heart Is but I wouldn't use that name.

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  • My husband and I both love Scarlett, but we aren't brave enough to use it. You should go for it :)

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  • Scarlett and Adelaide are both fine.  Sadie and Novalie are not.  
  • 1. Adelaide by far

    2. Scarlett (which is gaining popularity) but is a great name.  I know a Scarlett Elizabeth.

    3. Sadie (which is gaining popularity) Seems really nicknamey.

    4. Novalie this sounds made up.

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  • Scarlett: very fun and spunky. A bit trendy, if that concerns you at all. I like it!

    Sadie: simple, but also sounds like a nickname to me, personally

    Adelaide: pretty and feminine

    Novalie: this  name is unfamiliar to me and sounds made up in my opinion. Since that was a concern of yours, this might be one to reconsider.

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  • FakeFinnFakeFinn member
    edited September 2014
    1.) Adelaide
    2.) Scarlett
    3.) Sadie
    4.) Novalie

    My list would look very different if your list included Nova and Sarah, nn Sadie. ETA: clarification.
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  • I like them all except Novalie. I haven't heard of it before but it just doesn't compare to the others. Sadie is more cutesy than the rest but that's not a bad thing in my opinion.
  • Scarlett - I've never seen this name as a pretty name. It immediately brings negative connotations to mind like scars and harlots.
    Sadie - I love the name Sadie. I think that it is so sweet.
    Adelaide - I really love the name Adelaide (and most Addie names) but the 'laid' part always throws me off.
    Novalie - I've never seen this before and I think that the 'lie' ending makes it very juvenile but I do love the name Nova.


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  • Thanks everyone. My husband thought of Sadie and I couldn't come up with a strong enough reason to veto but now that you are all saying it- it totally does sound like a nn. He won't let go of Scarlett but I'm not set yet. Yes, Novalie (novalee) is from where the heart is. It caught my eye for some reason but I do think it's a little odd too. Thanks so much - you have helped greatly!
  • I like Scarlett. I like Sadie but only as a nn for something else.
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  • Scarlett is picking up steam so I think it's very trendy right now. It's a nice name but I would not say it fits your category of uncommon.
  • We considered Adelaide but ended with Adelyn for DD which I'm very happy we switched, but I so like Adelaide. Sadie is on our short list for DD2 so those are my 2 favs
  • Adelaide! I love it. My second choice would be Scarlett and I think you should ditch the other two
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