February 2014 Moms

Ultra Clingy Baby - HELP!!!

Ok - Em's is 7.5 months old, and I am at the point I do not enjoy spending time with my baby :( She's so clingy, will not allow me or my SO to leave her in a room alone for even 10 seconds without having a "the world has ended" style meltdown! This only happens during the day...and she will not nap unless she is being cuddles during daylight either. Makes for a very stressed mummy as I get pretty much nothing done - some days that includes a shower:(
Tips are very welcome ladies, as are commiserations

Re: Ultra Clingy Baby - HELP!!!

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  • Dexter&11Dexter&11 member
    edited September 2014
    I'm a FT'er....I was kinda hoping this bit didn't exist as there are days I'm not even "allowed" to put her down without meltdown mode being instigated :( Feel a bit better knowing this is something everyone else is going through though....people keep telling me their baby is napping loads, they can get all this stuff done etc etc Makes me feel a bit inadequate :( But if we're all half dressed loons with a screaming Jeckel n Hyde style baby.....

    ETA: I seriously need to actually read the child development books I've stockpiled instead of just winging it with my fingers crossed
  • Dexter&11 said:
    I'm a FT'er....I was kinda hoping this bit didn't exist as there are days I'm not even "allowed" to put her down without meltdown mode being instigated :( Feel a bit better knowing this is something everyone else is going through though....people keep telling me their baby is napping loads, they can get all this stuff done etc etc Makes me feel a bit inadequate :( But if we're all half dressed loons with a screaming Jeckel n Hyde style baby..... ETA: I seriously need to actually read the child development books I've stockpiled instead of just winging it with my fingers crossed
    This too shall pass! Hang in there.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • Codypup said:

    @Codypup, what makes her expectations unrealistic?  

    I think it's unrealistic to expect a 7 month old not to notice/care when they're left in a room alone.

    And as someone who is currently pinned to the couch by a finally-asleep baby, I understand the frustration. I have to pee and I wanted to bake cookies during this nap, but it looks like that won't be happening.

    Just want to clarify....it's not like I'm leaving Em alone in a room for hours, I just want to put the oven/kettle on or need to answer the door. I'm gone for a max of 2 mins, and there is always a hysterical, bright red, snot covered child on the verge of making herself sick when I get back :(
  • Dexter&11 said:
    @Codypup, what makes her expectations unrealistic?  
    I think it's unrealistic to expect a 7 month old not to notice/care when they're left in a room alone.

    And as someone who is currently pinned to the couch by a finally-asleep baby, I understand the frustration. I have to pee and I wanted to bake cookies during this nap, but it looks like that won't be happening.
    Just want to clarify....it's not like I'm leaving Em alone in a room for hours, I just want to put the oven/kettle on or need to answer the door. I'm gone for a max of 2 mins, and there is always a hysterical, bright red, snot covered child on the verge of making herself sick when I get back :(
    Oh I didn't think that's what you meant!! I completely know where you're coming from. If I even pop around the corner to adjust the thermostat, she freaks out. My pediatrician told me this is right when they start getting really into the Separation Anxiety phase. As in, if they can't see you, they enter panic mode. They don't understand the concept yet that you'll come back.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • Your baby just loves you so darn much :).

    My lo has entered screeching at the top of her lungs if I'm not giving her the attention she wants. It's just a phase and they will outgrow the clinginess!
  • If I leave the room to put the kettle on I keep talking to him. Or wait until he's busy interested in something else. Having the house 'baby proof' eases my mind a bit. I agree that for cleaning floors, etc baby wearing works well. I also nap with LO because he sleeps much longer that way. And I feel a lot better when I get enough sleep, even though it's in two hour increments.
    F14 Siggy Challenge
  • carleys said:

    Yup this is my lyfe right now too. I just bring him around the house with me.

    Haven't been wearing that much because sweaty but in the car its really
    frustrating how much he just cries and whines because i'm not sitting next to him
    He used to be so good in the car that I could take 2 hour drives with little to no issues
    Now I go more than 10 minutes away and unless he knocks out its crazy.
    From what I've heard/read once he's a little more mobile it gets better.

    Oh I hope it gets better with mobility....we have started today with hysterical sobs while I made myself a cup of tea (even though I was in vision), and it's only getting noisier :( I was really hoping for a nap soon
  • I have a "baby station" in each room that I am in often. I bought second hand exersaucers/jumperoo things and have one in three different rooms (kitchen, family room, office.) They generally buy me about 15 min to get dinner started, laundry folded or some work emails sent. Even then, I talk or sing to him a lot while doing those things. He freaks out if I leave the room to visit the bathroom or things like that. I don't get daily showers, and that is okay. I babywear when I want to sweep the floors, get the mail, feed the animals, or dust high places. Sometimes, even when he is with daddy, he still wants mommy. Shoot last week was the first time I really got him down for a nap in something other than my arms and had 30min to do...something. And it was like I didn't know what to do with the freedom, haha. 

    It is normal at this stage. Its trying, frustrating and difficult at times, but it will pass eventually. We stand in solidarity with you! :)

    Lilypie - (qptF)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    "Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

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