
Potty training question

I lurk a lot but don't post much due to my crazy schedule. I have twin 2 year old boys. For the past couple of days Drake has been randomly pulling his pants down and Bentley has been grabbing at himself. I want to think these are potty training signs but I am not sure. We did just start using a different brand of diaper so I wonder if that could be it. I also don't know how in the world I can potty train them when they don't talk. I'm confused!

So my question is, would you think it's the new diaper or they are ready to pt? Also, how in the world will I successfully pt when the don't talk?!? TIA!
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Re: Potty training question

  • Do you have a little potty? I'm not a huge fan of them bc washing them is gross, but it might be an option to get them comfortable w PT and they can sit whenever they want. The other option would be to get a toilet seat w insert (we have one and I like it more than the little potty) and sit them on it during their usual pee or poop times - after meals, before/after naps.

    They might be ready, they might not. You won't know until you try. I'm mobile - are they young 2 or older 2? We started w my oldest around 2.5 I think but he wasn't fully trained, pee and poop, for 6-8 months. Don't push it - you can always try again in a couple months.

  • Do you have a little potty? I'm not a huge fan of them bc washing them is gross, but it might be an option to get them comfortable w PT and they can sit whenever they want. The other option would be to get a toilet seat w insert (we have one and I like it more than the little potty) and sit them on it during their usual pee or poop times - after meals, before/after naps.

    They might be ready, they might not. You won't know until you try. I'm mobile - are they young 2 or older 2? We started w my oldest around 2.5 I think but he wasn't fully trained, pee and poop, for 6-8 months. Don't push it - you can always try again in a couple months.

    We do have little potties for each of them but they show little to no interest in that. We gave only tried sitting on them after bath time. Maybe I will try the times you suggested. They are a young 2. I had no intention of really pt until 3 but I don't want to ignore if they're interested.
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  • It can't hurt to try. DS has a speech delay and wasn't really talking when I started potty training him. I just sat him on the toilet here and there throughout the day and BEFORE bath because he just about always peed in the bath. He couldn't tell me he had to go, but I could see signs and figured about 30 minutes after he drank a fair amount he'd have to go. Once he was dry for extended periods I had a potty sitting schedule: first thing in the morning, after breakfast, before lunch, before dinner, before bath/bed. Sometimes he went. Sometimes not. Sometimes he went in between those times. But eventually he held it until those times. And now, at 4, he can just tell me when he needs to go. Give it a whirl. It took me about a full year before DS was totally potty trained. Good luck!
  • Bythebeach09Bythebeach09 member
    edited September 2014
    Calling all moms of 3 year old boys who were completely trained in one week....

    Just curious how many are out there?

    ETA: added word

  • Calling all moms of 3 year old boys who were completely trained in one week....

    Just curious how many are out there?

    ETA: added word

    Haha, I'm only speaking from my personal experiences. Using extremes there. :)  Just meant it's usually much faster and easier when the kid is ready than when they're not. 

  • cyprissacyprissa member
    edited September 2014
    @Bythebeach09‌ DS1 was trained in 1 week at 30 months. I would have to remind him to pee before nap and if he was really engrossed in something fun. He had a fear of public toilets for awhile and even at 3.5, he will only poop at home or if we are on vacation at the hotel or family member's home. I started letting him sit on a little potty whenever he wanted and reading books about the potty around 20 months but did not actively train.

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  • Sounds like you trained him for 10 months, which is an average time. If there was a potty, and it was talked about, it was training. Maybe it's just what one considers formal/informal training.
  • I didn't read all the responses and don't have a lot of advice, but I noticed you said you put them on the little potties after bath. In my experience kids always pee the minute they hit the tub, so try putting them on before for a little while and if/when they pee make a huge deal out of it so they know what it's for. We did that with DD to start out with so she learned what it was for. Then at daycare they started putting her on the potty every 45 minutes and we did the same at home. Eventually you can start spreading that time out. Anyway, that's what we did to start.


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  • Thanks for all the replies. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Bentley is on antibiotics and prednisone for tonsillitis and the prednisone caused him to be a beast today. Shew!

    I will try the before bath thing to see if it helps. They rarely pee in the tub, but often pee on the floor after. My DD talked early and starting potty training early but then had a couple infections which made the process very long and hard. I had wanted to work on pt this past summer while I was off work but they were not ready. Figures they would start showing signs when I'm not able to be home as much. The schedule thing may work well for us to try as our sitter does best when she knows a set way to do things.

    Thanks again for all the responses and hopefully we can start working on a routine!
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  • My DS has a speech delay and really has only started talking some this summer at 2 1/2. I put the little potty out and I would talk about it with him. He always follows me and DH in the bathroom so he would see us go and we'd talk about it. Then one day he was standing in the bath tub and started peeing. I made a big deal about him going pee pee and I think he made the connection. Shortly after he would say pee pee (or poop) in the potty and we'd run for the potty. Sometimes it was after he went sometimes before.

    He gets two candies for going in the potty, a sticker on his chart and we do a "hooray" potty dance. He loves it! I was actually shocked he was so into the stickers actually.

    I don't push it at all because he is a very stubborn kid. Some days he does great and some days he won't go at all but either way we talk about the potty a lot.

    I would definitely wait until they are ready. DS started pulling his little wiener out last year so I don't think that's necessarily a sign but it could be. I just think it's a little boy's favorite toy lol

    Good luck!
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    My Ovulation Chart


  • DS was potty trained at 2 1/2. He was ready though and had other signs like indicating when his diaper was wet. He had an expressive speech delay but I would say that as long as they can understand what you are saying, their lack PF words shouldnt matter too much. We started talking to DS about the potty when he turned 2 and would let him watch us potty if he wanted but never forced anything. He did show interest at daycare when two other little boys were being trained around this the but the only active training we did was on my maternity leave and he was trained very quickly.

  • cedentoncedenton member
    edited September 2014
    You just never know until you try.  We start PTing DS three weeks ago and I'd be comfortable saying he's 90-100% daytime PTed right now. He turned two last month.  He has had one accident in the last 7 days. We do undies only during the day, even at nap time. 

    I honestly didn't expect DS to do this well.  We had been putting him on the potty and getting him used to it for a good six months.  Then, when DC said they had an "opening" for potty training we decided to give it a try.  I was ready to give up after a few days, but then it just clicked.

    I think it could be hard at certain times if they aren't talking, like when they're in the car.  But do they sign? Could you teach them a sign for at home and out and about?  Are they physically able to just take their pants/undies off and go on a floor potty by themselves? That's what DS does.
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