I lurk a lot but don't post much due to my crazy schedule. I have twin 2 year old boys. For the past couple of days Drake has been randomly pulling his pants down and Bentley has been grabbing at himself. I want to think these are potty training signs but I am not sure. We did just start using a different brand of diaper so I wonder if that could be it. I also don't know how in the world I can potty train them when they don't talk. I'm confused!
So my question is, would you think it's the new diaper or they are ready to pt? Also, how in the world will I successfully pt when the don't talk?!? TIA!
Re: Potty training question
They might be ready, they might not. You won't know until you try. I'm mobile - are they young 2 or older 2? We started w my oldest around 2.5 I think but he wasn't fully trained, pee and poop, for 6-8 months. Don't push it - you can always try again in a couple months.
Just curious how many are out there?
ETA: added word
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I will try the before bath thing to see if it helps. They rarely pee in the tub, but often pee on the floor after. My DD talked early and starting potty training early but then had a couple infections which made the process very long and hard. I had wanted to work on pt this past summer while I was off work but they were not ready. Figures they would start showing signs when I'm not able to be home as much. The schedule thing may work well for us to try as our sitter does best when she knows a set way to do things.
Thanks again for all the responses and hopefully we can start working on a routine!
He gets two candies for going in the potty, a sticker on his chart and we do a "hooray" potty dance. He loves it! I was actually shocked he was so into the stickers actually.
I don't push it at all because he is a very stubborn kid. Some days he does great and some days he won't go at all but either way we talk about the potty a lot.
I would definitely wait until they are ready. DS started pulling his little wiener out last year so I don't think that's necessarily a sign but it could be. I just think it's a little boy's favorite toy lol
Good luck!
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."
BFP! 04/26/11 - DS born 12/28/11 - BFP #2! 04/02/13 - DD born 12/11/13 -
My Ovulation Chart
I honestly didn't expect DS to do this well. We had been putting him on the potty and getting him used to it for a good six months. Then, when DC said they had an "opening" for potty training we decided to give it a try. I was ready to give up after a few days, but then it just clicked.
I think it could be hard at certain times if they aren't talking, like when they're in the car. But do they sign? Could you teach them a sign for at home and out and about? Are they physically able to just take their pants/undies off and go on a floor potty by themselves? That's what DS does.