We've been potty training for over a month now and it has gone surprisingly smoothly. No issues with peeing and pooping. In fact, tonight was his very first accident ever and it was more my fault because he told me he needed to potty (he has trouble pulling his pants down so I always help him) and i was in the middle of something so I made him wait when I should have just stopped doing what I was doing..
Anyways we reward him with a piece of candy for every pee or poop that he does. Toys, stickers, verbal praise, charts, etc do nothing for his motivation the way a jelly bean does! but now he has gotten smart enough to figure out that he just needs to pee every 10 minute and he gets A LOT of jelly beans! Someone suggested that I reward for a dry diaper instead of every trip to the bathroom. How do I go about transitioning to that? He will not be as excited about peeing or pooping if he doesn't get a reward right away! or does anyone have any other suggestions?
Re: peeing for candy
I do agree it's time to ditch the candy I just don't know the smoothest transition. He just gets SO EXCITED about peeing/pooping for candy that potty training has been like, the greatest thing ever in his mind. I hate to take his excitement away but also don't want his teeth to rot out when he's you know, 4 (amongst other issues of eating candy 7+ times a day). I think I need to just bite the bullet and let him face the disappointment that candy is not the norm every time. i've tried to stress that once you're a big boy you don't get candy every time but honestly, I think he'd rather not be a big boy!