We are currently at my in laws visiting and DH has made me soooo frustrated, I dont even want to be around him right now! DH and his brother enjoy playing games on the computer. There is one game I enjoy playing and since DD was born i rarely get to play, which is fine because she is more important. I wanted to play today since in laws were spending time with DD and I felt like the whole time was focused on how they are better at the game. In know im not great at it but I have fun.. let me play the damn game and have fun! Well mil had to make dinner so I stop playing and go take care of DD. DH never offers to take over with her! He comes into the living room an hour later talking about his buzz and how good his drink was. Then DD needed to eat and we were all having dinner so I fed DD instead of eat. DH slowly eats his dinner and i just sit there and wait for him to offer to take her when he was finished. Instead he puts his elbows on the table and joins in his brothers conversation. Are you kidding me?!? Then I lightly tap his arm and ask him to take her and he made me look like an ass in front of his family saying "geez you dont have to hit me, I just finished." In my opinion, he should have immediately taken her to allow me to eat. Then he starts talking about how he doesnt think he should be quiet while DD is sleeping because she needs to get used to noise. Im sorry but when its midnight and i'm ready for bed, you better be quiet! Then he takes DD and his mom starts saying "oh why dont you go sit down on the couch and get comfy with her?" Nobody gives a shit about my comfort! AHHH im soooooo irritated. I feel very disrespected! I am going to talk to him but I cant until we leave here to go home. I wanted to vent here so I dont knock him out in front of his family! I cant stand the way he turns off parenting when he feels like it.
Re: Another DH vent
Edit for typo
Maybe your H is more used to being a son/brother in that context, and being a father isn't so automatic yet? I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that he's just being an oblivious...man, and needs some explicit prompting, as PPs have noted.