We are at about 2.5 years and counting at TTC. I have PCOS and am 36.
I took femera cd 3-7 and have not gotten a positive opk. I went in for an ultrasound on cd 16 and had only intermediate sized follicles. I returned on cd 20 and had a 13mm on the right and 11mm on the left. My doctor ordered me to inject with ovidrel on cd 23. How do I know that the follicles will continue to grow? Has anyone had their follicles stop growing? Today (cd 24) I have TONS of EWCM. Is that due to the shot?
After trying for so long I hate to leave anything to chance.
Thanks for any help!
Re: Any guidance??
Love it! And I love your handle. I have some friends that live by the motto of putting ketchup on ketchup!
Thanks BunnyBerry... for this and the other response. I am feeling the same way as you are. I did ask about another ultrasound, but was told that they should grow 2mm a day and therefore would be large enough once triggered.
I guess we'll see in a few weeks. I've done all I can do