Welcome to the Team FUIF Friday Fitness Challenge!
This is a check in for anyone who is trying to get/or stay healthy with diet and/or exercise though the process of IF. Everyone is welcome and can join at any time! We will check in every Friday to share our successes and tips, as well as get support when we falter.
Our Next Benchmark Check-in is October 3rd. Choose any goal you would like meet by that date and post it to your siggy - it can be anything you want to achieve! If you continually work towards your goal, then you earn the FUIF badge… and if you meet your goal you get to add that months "star" to your badge. You can add either the blank badge or the ticker to show your participation.
Siggy Ticker - To show you are part of the challenge you can add this ticker that counts down to our September 5th goal date - https://alterna-tickers.com/tickers/generated_tickers/f/fzpov31u9.png
Challenge of the Week – Add at least one “green” thing to your daily routine. It could be an extra serving of veggies or an extra walk (green because it’s environmentally friendly!). Be creative and let us know how you’re doing!
Team FUIF Roster
@alpCRNA – lose 6 lbs through diet & exercise
@AuroraP725 –Currently training for two half marathons in October!
@Carol77B – adding two weight lifting sessions per week
@CML11 – working out to lose a few pounds
@Justone13 – jogging and eating healthy to drop a few pounds!
@katemonster1 – ramping up the exercise routine to get fit before Sept IVF!
@princessisadora – lose 10 lbs
@RunCC37 – training for a fast half marathon and possibly a fall marathon
@scooteriste – enduring the 2ww
@tptbabe – soul searching to set a new, relevant goal
Team FUIF Grads
@Geordie314 – Let us know how you’re doing when you get a chance!
@pblge – Let us know how you’re doing when you get a chance!
@penad5 – Keeping the activity up with an exercise schedule!
***Did I miss someone? Please let me know!!***
Re: {{{Team FUIF Fitness Check-in}}} Sept 19
Just to update this group, our fourth and final cycle ended in a BFN. (I can't bear to show up on yet another BFN list so I've not been checking in to the Sweet Peas.) We are ok, and have an enormous sense of peace knowing that we have done all we can and that we are ready to stop treatment. We plan to live childfree for a while and pursue embryo adoption once we have healed from the stress of the last two years. I will still check in on you ladies because, well, fitness! But I am stepping away from the general IF forum since it's been increasingly hard for me to provide support when it's clear I can't conceive through IVF. ((Hugs)) to all.
2013: BFP #1 - M/C 3/13
2015: Dance break = got healthy
7/2016: IVF #5 = BFP!!!
@runcc37 go ahead!!! You are doing amazing!! So glad you got a spot to run in your town. Just one step closer to your goal!! Great job lady!!
AFM. I got on the scale today. Guess what?? I lost 5lbs!!!! Wahooooo!!! I've been biking and doing shakeology. It's working!! Yaaaa!
@lemonliz - I was surprised at how long I felt off after my lap. The bloating took at least 3 weeks to get under control. I tried to go for an easy run up and down the block 5 days after my surgery and it was not a good idea!!!
I lurk loyally, but haven't been posting because like @geordie314 I'm pretty much failing at healthy habits! The food aversions have started to ease, and it's nice to eat the occasional vegetable again, but I've been told not to exercise ("pelvic rest") for the remainder of the first trimester (assuming I make it out!) after a lot of spotting. I'm still so grateful to this group that helped get me in good shape before I completely fell apart, as I'm sure it would be much worse if my starting point hadn't been so healthy.
@RunCC37 - Keep kicking ass and taking names! Hope that the next marathon brings your best time ever.
@Justone13 - Yay for the weight loss! I have to go stalk to find out how your freeze all has gone.
To the newbies @AuroraP725 and @lemonliz - Welcome and good luck!
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage.
@RunCC37 you are doing amazing! So close to getting that spot in the NYC marathon!
AFM, I'm sorry I have been MIA. Work has been insane! I have had some impossible cases lately and was feeling compassion fatigue. I love being a vet but sometimes it takes such a toll on you. It's such an amazing feeling when the pet pulls through and it's so devastating when they don't respond to treatment regardless what you do. On a positive note I am wearing jeans I have not been able to wear since 2012! I feel amazing about my progress. The scale hasn't moved as fast as I wished but I def see changes in my body shape.
@princessisadora - I can't imagine being able to emotionally survive being a vet! Hugs to you!! Hooray for getting into your old jeans!!!!
@alpCRNA - woohoo!! You are on a roll!!! Keep it up!!