July 2014 Moms

Bluum Box, Citrus Lane.. etc

Do any of you ladies subscribe to any monthly boxes for your little ones??

I'm really interested in getting one for DD but I know they can be hit or miss. I like that you can pay monthly with Citrus Lane but Bloom Box looks like a lot of fun stuff - though you have to pay for 3 months at a time. 

Any recommendations on any of these companies or other ones you may use?! Or should I just not waste my money? Thanks!
[ Zoey <3 7.28.14 ]

Re: Bluum Box, Citrus Lane.. etc

  • Citrus Lane had the best reviews so that's the one we did. I waited for a discount code and did the 3 month subscription. So far so good! The first box had a skip hop toy, glass baby food type containers, a paper mobile with owls, and some all natural lotion stuff. Hopefully the next one is as good!
  • I tried Citrus Lane out when DS1 was probably around 18 months and didn't really think what we got was worth the money - it was like a sun hat, a sand toy, and some sunscreen that we received after summer had started and I had already bought all that stuff. But I think they can be fun to get and sometimes it's nice stuff.
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  • I like the looks of Kiwi Crate, but it's aimed more at toddlers since it's all craft stuff.
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • JayBzoJayBzo member
    edited September 2014
    I liked our Bluum box, but I got it while still pregnant (gifted to me). It had a onesie, some stuff for me (lip gloss and I forget what else), a thing to make a hand print keepsake.. etc. 

    Cirtus lane is ok - I just received my first box and got a onesie (very cute!), dish soap, gripe water, and a rattle. I am not sure I will continue the subscription but I think either one could be hit or miss. I would wait for a deal and maybe give each a try and go from there!

    ETA: Bluum's website shows you can do a one month subscription.

  • I've always wondered about these - it seems like you're just paying to have someone else pick out stuff you don't need... or is there an assumed discount associated with the stuff you get? Or is that you get introduced to products/ brands that you might not otherwise?

    In either case , when acquiring things I don't need, I like to pick them out. :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks for the feedback!

    @jayzbo I will have to look again, I think i'm more interested in Bluum and that way I can cancel if I decide it's not for us!

    @ashleymarie1027 from what it seems, it looks like you get a decent discount on the items your getting but I agree, your most likely getting stuff you don't need so you are basically spending money on random stuff. Lol
    [ Zoey <3 7.28.14 ]
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