July 2013 Moms

Health/Fitness/Wellness Weekend Edition

Let's hear it!

My coffee still hasn't kicked in yet so I just have the one question-

If you are going to a football party, how do you stay on track?


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Re: Health/Fitness/Wellness Weekend Edition

  • I have worked out 5 times this week. DH is actually jealous of me working out but also proud of me for doing so. Still not eating sugar and junk. I am starting to feel better.
  • I just don't go to football parties :D if I do, it's rare and I tend to pig out.
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  • If I go to a party I try to bring something somewhat healthful and have some of that. Also, pick a few things that you really want but just watch the portion--dish some out onto a plate and don't hover :) I'm team all things in moderation...especially during football season :) and I'll add...go broncos...let's hope the outcome is better on Sunday than the last time they played the Seahawks... :\">
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  • I've never been to a football party...actually I have been to a superbowl party. However 4 hrs cross country skiing plus another couple toboganning mean you can eeat all the food!
  • @DenverBride2005‌ Hovering is soo my problem!!! Especially with dh's family because the only safe spot is near the food!'n

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