July 2013 Moms

PT mamas check in

Hey ladies! (Sounds like the start of a Beastie Boys song ;) )...how is everything coming along with your LOs? Any exciting progress since the last check in? I know Morgan was doing a great job pulling up from sitting to standing at the couch, last I heard! @squirmworms‌ :) Do you feel like your LO is focusing mostly on gross motor right now, or do you think your LO is focused on something else right now (verbal development, or other?) and so gross motor is on hold?

How is everyone feeling about everything?
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Re: PT mamas check in

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    Caleb FINALLY moved classrooms over to the toddler room, so I am really happy about that. I think it's going to do wonders for him--more stimulation, more motivation and incentive to move, more modeling by other kids of what he needs to work up to. We are trying to work on cruising, because his PT said that side step typically develops before forward stepping, so we are practicing along the couch quite a bit. He is figuring out how to pick up his feet when we walk with his push toys, so that's something. He will also sometimes pick up his hands when he's on all fours and I kneel behind him helping to move his legs forward in a crawling motion. So he's slowly figuring things out, and I'm being patient :)
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    Not much new.  DD is a super good crawler now.  She crawls over everything and loves crawling on daddy.  She is pulling to stand and standing for longer periods of time.  No movement yet.  We had our 6 month eval with EI.  Her new goals for the next 6 months are being able to walk all over the house and to learn and use 5 words.  She will be starting ST next month. Other than that she is getting into everything and it is great.
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