Hey ladies! I'm not going lie - yes I do advertise my blog as I'm trying to build it however I am trying to be more involved in the mommy community so I can learn, get advice, have an outlet just like everyone else. @comicsans thanks I use the app on my phone so I couldn't find a way to do that. I'll see on the web.
@bazingaa really? Perhaps I should send u a picture of my csection scar would that suffice ur curiosity or my sons birth certificate - way to take what was suppose to be a fun post and make it rude. Just trying to make new mom friends clearly u know me so well.
I like the photo - not mad just kinda felt like it was a little rude and you were trying to call me out. No harm no foul. Let's just reset. Hi I'm a new mommy and have a son who is almost 4 months.
I like the photo - not mad just kinda felt like it was a little rude and you were trying to call me out. No harm no foul. Let's just reset. Hi I'm a new mommy and have a son who is almost 4 months.
It's because you've been typing your blog URL in all your posts. It just comes across as SPAM and people get defensive. Like PP said, your siggy is really the best place for blogs. So if you're serious about wanting to be more active here, welcome to M14! But If you're just spamming us with your blog, better leave now before you end up getting banned...
Regs, lurkers and newbies we are leaving TheBump. Come join us at the new place
yeah no I can't take you seriously, what with the URL so helpfully included at the end of your post and a name to match. methinks you will offer very little to this community.
@yvanehtnioj everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems kind of sad to just judge someone on just that. @lica001 thank you - I'm going to create one today
How about when poop on your arm no longer freaks you out. Or yesterday somehow DD managed to get spit up on the butt of my shorts. How she missed my back, shoulder etc is beyond me.
1. I thought it seemed spammy too. Glad to see it's not! Many of us link blogs in our siggies. I do too, though it hasn't been updated since my glucose test. Oops! Anyway, welcome!
2. To answer your question, when you start singing songs about stinky bums. Or really, songs about pretty much anything.
Regardless of the spammy blog link attached to posts ( I mean do you see any of the rest of us including blog links?), you are new. Maybe you don't know that we know you are new because you are new. We have known each other's screen names since the pee sticks dried in August 2013. I wouldn't come off too strongly- we tend to stick together...
If you can lurk a little and get a feel for how the board works and jump in with an intro- you will be welcomed.
My mommy moment the other day was when I walked into a restaurant with my husband and the baby and I had his pacifier in my mouth. Lol I'm sure I looked ridiculous. I dropped it so I wanted to clean the fuzzies off of it.
Went to pick dd up out of her car seat, felt something wet! Figured it was just pee so whatever no big deal. Looked down at her car seat and had poo all over....still didn't care. I had a nice handful of poop on my arm.
Re: Things that only happen when you're mommy...
Something that only happens when you're a mommy: your LO gets you up at 3 am and won't go back to sleep.
Now onto that drama thread for more good reads. :x
Tbh I thought the blog thing was against TOU, but I could be wrong.
My mommy moment? Getting puke down my cleavage and not batting a eye.