Trouble TTC

Backache on Clomid

Has anyone ever experienced horrible lower back pain on clomid? Any clue what this could be...hopefully not overstimulation! I'm on 100mg, FYI ;)
Thanks ladies! I know if anyone will know, it's you guys!
DH & I married 12/17/2012
Me (31)-dx w/PCOS 2007, when married to ex-husband after MC
DH (41)-no MFI
07/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI= chem preg ;(
08/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
09/2014-Clomid 100mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
10/2014-benched due to RE out of town, tying naturally!
11/2014-benched due to cyst
12/2014-Femara 5mg + stair step with additional 5 days Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI=BFN
01/2015-Femara 5mg + Gonal F 25 units + trigger (plus additional Gonal F 100 units on trigger night) + IUI= BFP!!! Twins due 10/2015
09/28/2015- Surprise!  Conrad and Hudson born at 35w6d!  

Re: Backache on Clomid

  • I always get lower back cramps on Clomid (four months running, same dose). It almost feels like I have to go to the bathroom really badly and usually lasts a day or two each month. I would still check with your doctor, but as long as you are being monitored, (I had ultrasounds twice a month) it is a side effect that happens, so I wouldn't freak out. 

    My doctor suggested Tylenol for any cramping, and the headaches that I get (since Advil and aspirin are no good for TTC). Hope that the cramps pass quickly for you!
    Me:37;  Female Partner
    TTC#1 since 12/2013

    Natural Cycle IUI #1 : BFN, December 2013
    No surge, Possible No O: January 2014
    Natural Cycle IUI #2 : BFN, Feb 2014
    Natural Cycle IUI #3: BFN, March 2014
    HSG- all clear: April 2014
    Clomid + Ovidrel + Progesterone IUI #4: May 2014, BFN
    Clomid + Ovidrel + Progesterone IUI #5: June 2014, BFN
    Clomid + Ovidrel + Progesterone IUI #6: July 2014, BFN
    Clomid + Ovidrel + Progesterone IUI #7: September 2014, BFN
    Gonal-F + Ovidrel + Progesterone IUI #8: October 2014, BFN.
  • Thank you so much! I go in Monday for my follicle check so I will try to relax until then. I just have this vision of these giant, follicle filled ovaries on the verge of turning on themselves ;)
    BTW-love the screen name! I'm mildly obsessed with tacos ;)
    DH & I married 12/17/2012
    Me (31)-dx w/PCOS 2007, when married to ex-husband after MC
    DH (41)-no MFI
    07/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI= chem preg ;(
    08/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    09/2014-Clomid 100mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    10/2014-benched due to RE out of town, tying naturally!
    11/2014-benched due to cyst
    12/2014-Femara 5mg + stair step with additional 5 days Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI=BFN
    01/2015-Femara 5mg + Gonal F 25 units + trigger (plus additional Gonal F 100 units on trigger night) + IUI= BFP!!! Twins due 10/2015
    09/28/2015- Surprise!  Conrad and Hudson born at 35w6d!  
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