June 2014 Moms

Vitamin D Drops

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I haven't seen anything though. Did anyone else's pedi prescribe Vit. D drops for your LO? Are you giving them to baby or no? I've heard a lot of parents don't give them and just take baby outside in the sun for a little bit instead. I haven't gotten the script filled yet because Highmark had jacked up adding H to our insurance. 
November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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Re: Vitamin D Drops

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    I was told to when I was still BF.  I didn't.  I didn't with C either and she got BM for way longer than Charlie.  She's fine.  I know a lot of people hate this reasoning for things, but in this case I think it's valid.  The vitamin D recommendation is fairly new, and plenty of babies survived without that extra, so I think my kids will be fine without it.  If you are eating well and your baby is seeing the sun (even through a window works), then I vote no drops needed.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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    @lilygrace48 the part of the living room we hang out and play in every day gets all the morning and afternoon sun so I think he's ok. He's still BF and probably will be for the next year if I can pull it off. I still take vitamins and eat well so I think I may skip the drops. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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    I give it when I remember. My doc said it was ok to skip in the summer as they are probably getting enough from being outside but to make sure to be diligent with it through the winter.
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    steprozz said:

    I give them when I remember. :-/

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    I gave then when I BF/EP'd. Was easy to remember because he LOVED the stuff so it was an instant soother...
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    I give them to LO every morning after I change her. She always gives me a confused look after she takes them, it's too funny.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Married 05/15/13 FTM with EDD 06/24/14
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    I give them after her bath as part of our night time routine. She loved the first kind I bought, but when I bought more the pharmacy was out of that kind so I got another brand. Unfortunately, she HATED that kind and choked every time I have her them. Stupidly, I bought two bottles of it thinking I would save time by not having to go to the pharmacy as often and didn't even take into consideration that they might taste different. I tried mixing it in a bottle, but I could still smell the vitamin on her breath. So I ended up buying a third brand and she likes those.
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    Yup, I give D drops when I remember, but I don't stress about it for all the reasons @Lilygrace48 said, plus we get outside frequently. She probably gets them about once a week. I will likely try to be a little more diligent once winter hits.

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

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    When we remember too. But we leave the bottle on the coffee table in the living room so we are pretty good at remembering them.
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    My pedi never mentioned them. Maybe because it's summer and I live in Texas, or maybe because he's an older guy and he doesn't see the point. Either way, no drops for my LO!
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    My pedi said no since we live in CA...not sure what that means but we see sun a lot here
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

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    Our pedi and LC recommended. we use Carlson ones. I put a drop on my nipple during BFing. She never even notices. The hardest part is timing the damn drop that takes forever to come out. Lol
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    Btw our LC said if you're going to go the sun route the exposure has to be over nearly the whole body for at least fifteen minutes or something...sorry don't have a reference to cite.
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    My LO doctor prescribed her Tri-vi-sol that has vitamin A,C, and D that she takes once everyday. We get it for free so I figure whatever ill give it to her lol. She gets it with her morning bottle.
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    Ditto for tri-vi-sol which she absolutely hated at first but is getting much better at taking. I don't always remember so she probably only gets it 4-5 days a week. I don't mind giving it to her especially since it has vitamin c as we are getting into cold and flu season in the northeast.
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    Cwg22 said:

    Ditto for tri-vi-sol which she absolutely hated at first but is getting much better at taking. I don't always remember so she probably only gets it 4-5 days a week. I don't mind giving it to her especially since it has vitamin c as we are getting into cold and flu season in the northeast.

    Are you breast feeding? If not, I just put it in my LO's morning bottle and she takes it fine =]
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    Savvy122Savvy122 member
    edited September 2014
    Yes, we do the drops daily.  My pedi really advocates for them and I don't assume to know more about it than he does.  I also recently read an article that discussed a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of developing allergies and asthma.  DS1 (who did not get the drops when he was a baby because it wasn't a recommendation) has both pretty serious allergies and asthma... so I will absolutely do the drops if there's even a slight chance that it will help DS2 avoid those issues.

    ETA: We just get our drops OTC at Walgreens.  He never even offered a script for them.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Yes. I was horrible about remembering so made it a part of his daily bath routine. He usually spits half of it out. It's a running joke in our house that we give it to him to prevent "the rickets"
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    Our ped told us to use the div-i-sol drops sold OTC. I give them to her when I remember, probably about 3 times a week. I was vitamin D deficient a few years ago and had to be on prescription D to get it back up. It made a difference in my overall health, so I want to make sure she's healthy too. 
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    We live in New England and were also to give him these drops daily. I do it when I remember but he always ends up spitting them all out anyway....


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    We do the Carlson d-drops. I love them because I can just put it on my nipple before he eats. Plus they don't have the artificial stuff that's in the di-vi-sol ones. And it's way easier to do a drop vs 1 mL that always got spit out/up.
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    I live in CA and was told to give them because LO is EBF.  I give them when I remember.  I just put a drop in his evening bottle.  We bought the same ones from Amazon as @amberatkins8
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    We have a prescription for them but I don't give them, I didn't give them
    To my first either and he's a super healthy kid
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    When I remember

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    @SaraJoy00‌ I BF but do try to give it to her during a break in feeding so she can wash it down with some BM.
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    jclester614jclester614 member
    edited September 2014
    We live in New England, so it's recommended. But the samples the pedi gave me contain caramel color and something else that was weird -- so I'm on the search for something more natural. I try to give him sunshine while I can, but I agree with PP that in winter it will be more pertinent.
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    @diagonalley‌ - too funny.. We say the same thing. I'm like, you don't want to wind up like Rickety Cricket (from "It's always sunny in Philadelphia")
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    It wasn't even mentioned to us, which surprises me as usually the military prefers to throw medicine "just in case". We're in the south though and take frequent strolls where he receives direct sunlight (skin and eyes) so I am not super concerned.

    J14 Jan Siggy Challenge: Santorini

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    Hummm. Ohio here and have never heard mention of this. 
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    I also do the tri-vi-sol as it was recommended by my pedi. He wants to make sure LO has enough vitamin A, C and D. She is going to daycare so it is important to get all her vitamins in.
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    I have some but I never remember.  I do take Vitamin D myself so hopefully he gets some that way.

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