I know that I am not on here nearly as often as I should be or near as much as I want to be. It's pretty hard for me to get on a computer my husband uses ours for work and school, and I have frequent issues with the app on my phone. I was able to sneak the laptop for a bit tonight I wanted to get some research done. I finally had my RE visit today. It was a hot mess to say the least. I am sure there is some lunar cycle or aligning of stars, a lot of people I have talked to today are having a terrible day too! The doctor was amazing though, he was nice and ran tests and did a vaginal ultra sound on the spot. He found a pretty large cyst and wanted me to go into surgery with in the next two weeks. I pretty much begged him to put it at the end of those two weeks, that way i can have two more paychecks saved up just to be safe. I have some Thyroid issues he is concerned over and he is consulting with an other surgeon and the anesthesiologist to decide if this is a high risk surgery, if so how high of a risk. Thyroid has my resting heart rate stupid high 100-120 and he is worried about my blood pressure dropping.
I don't know how i am suppose to feel? I am trying to get a hold of my therapist and get an earlier apt with her as now i have to cancel our original one that was on the 2nd. Am I selfish for wanting to get in and see her? I know i'm not any more important than any of the other she sees. Has any one else ever had this sort of surgery before? I've had surgery on my lungs i'm not worried about the pain, just honestly the recovery time? Do these cysts come back? They said my right ovary looks amazing lots of follicles. I'm worried my left one is ruined, or if it comes back before we can have a child it will mess up the right side. I blanked on ALL of these questions, truly i didn't think that first apt was going to be so detailed and I really didn't think i would have been leaving that day with a surgery date. The next time i see him is for my pre-opp and thats the day before the surgery. I'm worried i won't be able to get all the answers i need. Should i ask other questions? I think I am still a little dumb founded. I was almost praying i would just leave there with some sort of hormone therapy.
You ladies on here are amazing. I am sorry for being all over the place in this post. I have no idea where to turn or who else to talk to, and i have no family for thousands of miles. I really don't want to stress them out, and have them thinking they need to come up and help. They don't have the money for that kind of thing. Any help is more than appreciate. I am honestly making more of an effort to be on here. I do want to be involved with this board this is the only support system i have. TIA
Endometriosis Confirmed
2 Large "Chocolate Cyst" Found
Both Ovaries
Post op as of 10-02-14 BFN
Re: Sort of lost, sorry for sucking at this so badly
I am a therapist-in-training and I can tell you that your therapist would certainly not mind if you called her. You'd be surprised how often clients change up their appointment times, even at the last minute. You'd also be surprised how many clients come to their therapists for help with pre-surgery anxiety. Many therapists reserve a slot or two of time per week for last minute appointments.
Me: 28 MH:35
Married September 2012. TTC since September 2013
June 2014 - Dx w/ significant PCOS and referred to RE.
July/August 2014 - Testing complete: Testosterone & AMH very high, FSH slightly high, Vitamin D low, tubes and lining all lovely. DH SA: A+
Cycle 1 (Nov 2014): 2.5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI = BFN
Cycle 2 (Dec 2014): 5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
Cycle 3 (Jan 2015): 5mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN
WTF consult scheduled for 1/29