Hi there- I'm new to the board. Been TTC for about a year and started fertility treatments a few weeks ago. Had the HSG (ouchies!) and all the other screening tests. This is my first cycle and I'm already feeling stressed. The doc said the sperm is fantastic, but that I haven't been ovulating and may have PCOS (still confused as to whether I have it or not, but the point is I'm not ovulating). She started me on Clomid and we will have TI when my body decides to be ready for it...
Looking for some suggestions on dealing with all of these appointments and tests. Honestly, I feel like a pin cushion! I've been in the doc's office at least 10 times in the last 2 weeks, and I'm exhausted and stressed out, which is probably not a good thing when trying to get pregnant. She's had me come in every day this week (days 10-12) to check my lining and follicles and has asked me to come back AGAIN tomorrow because my lining is only 6mm and she wants at least 7. Then we will do the trigger shot and TI for two days. It wouldn't be so awful if I didn't have to be there at 6:30am every day! Between that and getting home late at night from work, I am not sure I could do this for more than one cycle. I suppose it's nothing compared to actually having a baby..I'm sure I'll be much more exhausted when that happens but at least he/she will be a happy reason for being up at 5am. I also haven't told anyone that I'm going through this, and I'm finding it hard to explain why I'm so tired/not feeling well a lot of the time. Side effects from the drugs have been more than I bargained for (headaches, cramps, fatigue, constipation...) Ugh. Sorry for venting, it'd just be nice to hear from others going through the same thing. Any support is appreciated. Thanks ladies...
Re: I'm a Human Pin Cushion!
Me: 33, DH: 32
TTC: 2 years
Fertility blood tests all normal
Tilted uterus
3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL
FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO
IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month! BFN 7/8
3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests - BFN
3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched
Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM
Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.
Never thought I would like long hair....
Welcome and good luck to you! I certainly feel your pain. I have actually been describing myself as a human pin cushion to DH lately. I've had more blood drawn in the last three months since I started this process than I have in my entire life. I just try to stay hopefuly it will all be worth it in the end!
TTC #1
Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis
IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13
3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!
****All Welcome****