Welcome to the Budgeting/Saving/Everything Money check-in. This is a personal topic, feel free to give dollar amounts or not, or to skip any questions you do not want to answer.
1. What is your budgeting/savings goal? How close are you to completing it?
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of?
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone.
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving?
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group?
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect.
Re: $ Weekly Everything Money Check-In $
1. What is your budgeting/savings goal? How close are you to completing it? $20/month to vacation savings and $30/month to home improvement savings. I don't have a total goal for these, just building up the savings so that the money is there when we want/need it. I am also struggling to stick to our grocery budget lately. So far only spent $284/$600 so hoping I can stay on track this month.
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of? I'm going to apply to 2 jobs this week. I feel like we have cut down our variable costs as best we can and we need to work on increasing income next. I'm so nervous about switching jobs, but I need to at least start applying.
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone. Pick your priorities. Budgeting doesn't mean limiting everything, it means to save money where you can so you can enjoy the things you love.
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving? Mint.com
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group? I get to use all mine as the GTKY questions :-h
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect. I love the Peaceful Mom, especially her living on less than $28,000 a year series https://thepeacefulmom.com/living-on-less-than-28000-a-year-series/ It really showed me that everything you spend money on is a choice and YOU get to pick the priorities.
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of? I'm drinking coffee made from a little French press I'm keeping in my office rather than buying it at a cafe.
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone. Plan meals to save on groceries. I swore for years that it was too much of a hassle, but once I started doing it, I realized that I save both time and money.
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving? Mint
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group? What fun free or cheap toddler/family activities do you enjoy or recommend? Everyone's happier when we get out of the house more, but I could always use ideas of what to do that doesn't cost a ton of money.
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect. I'm a https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ fan.
at around minute 28 they start talking about free/cheap kids activities.
@daffy2k @ColieAnn31 @Lizzybizzy80 @GernaphobE @babygsmommy (yay for being able to tag you!) @Cricket81 @HellesBelles13 Come out and play with me? :-B
How close are you to completing it? Ongoing. We hope to both retire by 60 or 65 and maybe allow one of us to take a year off here or there or work part time.
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of? We are going to be spending some money this week to go on vacation but it is our first plane trip in two years and I'm really looking forward to it. As of now we are within our budget for everything but B and that's great. He needed 18 mo clothes and diaper creams and I wanted to get him mega blocks.
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone. Set up transfers to savings to happen monthly and automatically.
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving? Mint.com and an excel spreadsheet that I work on monthly.
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group? Do you know of a great retirement calculator online? I tried one yesterday and it said we needed to save like three times the goal that mint had us at.
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect. I'm reading Suze Orman's Money Class. I used to like seeing her on Oprah.
1. What is your budgeting/savings goal? How close are you to completing it?
We are a bit in flux right now but we just paid off DH's student loans and our car. We are down to our mortgage and my student loan. My loan is small and a 2.4% rate though so I'm not really in a hurry on that one. I'm not sure what our current goal is right now but we wanted to start contributing monthly to the boy's 529s and we just started this month, so that's a good start!
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of?
Although we have just had a little boost of help we are sticking with our current frugal lifestyle to spend more money on travel and home improvement. This week I did my every few months CVS and Kohl's stock up using coupons/bonuses and bogo deals and I saved us over $100 on things we needed! DH is always amazed at my CVS strategy and I'm so proud of that receipt!
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone.
In terms of saving money on kids stuff it is almost always WAY cheaper to get memberships to some places, like museums and activity centers. I get a few local memberships and take advantage of field trips a lot.
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving? Excel spreadsheet right now. But now I'm feeling forum peer pressure to try mint... First fitbit now this!
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group? I think I asked it with the credit cards for points thing a few days ago. I'm working on getting that in place this week!
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect. My Mom and Dad were an amazing team in terms of money. My Dad is a savvy business man who can always cut the best deal and make numbers work, whereas my mom was the SAH coupon/raincheck queen. She organized that pantry like no joke with expiration dates. It was impressive that they raised the 4 of us with only my Dad's self made and owned business and all of us going to private school.
I haven't set a goal amount yet. Just want to start putting at least $500 into savings each month.
2. What are you doing this week to help you reach your goal? What are you proud of?
I have started taking my lunch to work. Alex will also be taking his lunch. And we are also setting a cash budget of $40 a week for Alex since he works in the field.
3. Pick one budgeting or money saving tip to share with everyone.
No tips yet
4. How do you keep track of your spending and saving?
I just started using mint. Alex has had it but wasn't keeping track of it obviously. I just set up our budgets on there.
5. Any budgeting/finance question you would like to ask the group?
GTYK: What is your budgeting/saving inspiration? Person, book, blog, ect.
Would an HSA be a good idea if we are considering trying for a second one day? Odds are I would have another c section.
@megsw85 Do you know ahead of time what his per diem will be? Do they always cover whatever his costs are and its just a cashflow issue (needing to wait for the reimbursement)?
If you want to get your DH on-board with spending wisely you need to show why you need that money. You said you wanted to save for a down payment. Show him that X amount of dollars a month will mean it will take you X long to get that down payment. If you can't save at least X each month it won't happen. Also more savings could mean more money go visit him with the kids (or maybe without them?
We use this and we love it. Makes monthly planning/budgeting so easy. And there is an app so my DH and I can both add in purchases and credits on our phone right after they happen. Very convenient.
Married to K on 1/14/2012
Daughter P born on 6/14/2013
Baby #2 due on 5/16/15
Actually I didn't think of this before but I'll have to consider the very tiny chance a sibling could have the same condition and need surgery.
I travelled for work a good bit in a prior job. It can add up quickly and you don't always feel like you have a choice. But luckily it was always covered by my company.