Special Needs

why does this happen?

Princess_LilyPrincess_Lily member
edited September 2014 in Special Needs
Why do some schools try to avoid giving a child with a known disability an MFE, and try to give excuse after excuse?

Is it a form of counseling out, so the parent will just end up tiring out and leave?

Eta: Oh yeah, and the school not only spelled DS' name wrong on forms, but they also gave him the wrong birth date, 4x!
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Re: why does this happen?

  • Did you have the meeting?
  • Princess_LilyPrincess_Lily member
    edited September 2014
    I had a "Notice of Meeting" to open the case. I'm speaking with our advocate though, they said their doing just an RTI now - but the forms show wording of possibly using the eval in place of his MFE.

    On a side note, I did submit a letter to request an MFE last month...no consent forms were provided.

    I keep hearing, "we have a procedure to follow...". and "we are trying a BIP first, these things take time..."
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  • Here's how it worked for us:

    The school had 65 school days to complete evals once I made the request. At the first meeting we decided the anxiety was the most pressing issue, so we (the Child Study Team) came up with a list of accommodations and DD's teacher worked with the guidance counselor on modifying her approach. We agreed to reassess how things were going in 30 school days which ended up being over two months because of winter break plus 14 snow days. 

    At the second meeting we found that the behavior mods had been successful, so we agreed that we would keep doing what we were doing and call another meeting if anything changed. They didn't do any evals because we had all of our assessments from the private OT and Developmental Pedi. DD does not qualify for special education services at this time.

    She has accommodations, and she's followed by child study, so we meet regularly to check in and offer updated reports from our team. For now that's working for us, and DH and I don't feel that additional evaluations would make a difference in terms of what we're doing right now.
  • Does your DD have a 504, or did they do a basic RTI?
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  • Princess_LilyPrincess_Lily member
    edited September 2014
    Auntie you mean, at what price would he pay if he does end up staying in a school which refuses accommodations?

    We have visited the home district school, and it can be a viable option, but until an IEP is in place it's pointless to move we feel. Mainstream classes are an average of 35kids to a classroom. At the charter his class size is 18, and the teacher has some small accommodations already (sitting close to teacher & the board, etc)

    The meeting yesterday was when they gave me the forms to start the FAB. The advocate said that yesterday was still where their trying to put an RTI, even though I submitted a letter for an MFE. The advocate gave me one more sample letter which gives the school consent to start using the eval, in place of an MFE...which then starts the 60day countdown.

    I'm curious to see their response to that letter though, they may give the "excuses" again - at which point I have to what?

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  • funchickenfunchicken member
    edited September 2014
    Does your DD have a 504, or did they do a basic RTI?
    She has a 504. She doesn't qualify for services. We implemented the accommodations that the developmental pedi had recommended. I was just trying to give you an idea of the timeline.

    Are you saying the average kindie class at the public school has 35 kids? At our school kindie and first have smaller class sizes than the higher grades.
  • Where in Florida are you? I'm in the Orlando area.
  • Princess_LilyPrincess_Lily member
    edited September 2014
    @thefuturemrskudla I'm in the southeast region.  I would still like to keep anonymity, so I can't say the city. 

    @auntie The advocacy group is through The Childrens Trust Fund, its called Parent to Parent.  100% non-profit.  The BOE gave me their number, and I was assigned to my advocate.

    At the meeting yesterday the Dean/ESE Coordinator said, "It may take longer to get an IEP, however a 504 can be placed in the interim."  It looks like they won't even consider the evaluation until after the BIP is in effect (90 Days) - the advocate confirmed this.

    Now since the school is aware of DS' disability, the advocate said that we still have a right to an MFE, and that this where the letter comes in - she is pushing the letter.  This letter would provide automatic consent to review and utlitize the eval in place of an MFE.  This would mean a shorter window of time (60Days vs. 90+Days with the BIP).  If we decide to do the letter, would you give a heads up to the dean/ese coordinator of this letter coming in - since she is thinking we're simply signing off on the RTI? 

    Now if we decide to nix the advocates letter plan 100% and go with the schools plan, after the BIP is in effect (90 Days) and that plan doesn't work - a staffing meeting will take place.  At the staffing meeting the school psych will be in attendence, an SLP, a "staffing specialist" (aka Home District School ESE Rep), an LST (LD specialist), and an LEA (the Dean/ESE Coordinator).  At this meeting, an IEP will be put into effect (if needed), and he will be transfered to the home district school.

    Fun little facts, based on his scores and an informal observation, the school SLP decided that DS no longer needs Speech Therapy.  The behavior chart is working at a 75% success rate - great, but not where a NT child would be, all last week and this week DS' average was 7-8 stars!  He is making friends in school, and has a girlfriend too!  He says he hates school, but when he comes home, he says he had a great day, and the reward chart and other examples support this.    

    I'm wishy washy on what I should do.  Both have their benefits.  The school is willing to work with us right now - but I'm not sure how will this will effect DS in the long run.  I also don't want to be looked at, as this psycho combative mommy, but at the same time I don't want to be a doormat.

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