Why do some schools try to avoid giving a child with a known disability an MFE, and try to give excuse after excuse?
Is it a form of counseling out, so the parent will just end up tiring out and leave?
Eta: Oh yeah, and the school not only spelled DS' name wrong on forms, but they also gave him the wrong birth date, 4x!
Re: why does this happen?
On a side note, I did submit a letter to request an MFE last month...no consent forms were provided.
I keep hearing, "we have a procedure to follow...". and "we are trying a BIP first, these things take time..."
We have visited the home district school, and it can be a viable option, but until an IEP is in place it's pointless to move we feel. Mainstream classes are an average of 35kids to a classroom. At the charter his class size is 18, and the teacher has some small accommodations already (sitting close to teacher & the board, etc)
The meeting yesterday was when they gave me the forms to start the FAB. The advocate said that yesterday was still where their trying to put an RTI, even though I submitted a letter for an MFE. The advocate gave me one more sample letter which gives the school consent to start using the eval, in place of an MFE...which then starts the 60day countdown.
I'm curious to see their response to that letter though, they may give the "excuses" again - at which point I have to what?