Baby Names

Nick name thoughts

Pregnancy insomnia has me up in the middle of the night again so I thought I might ask your opinion.

We have decided to name our son Jeremiah.

I was curious what you all thought about the nickname Miah on a boy.

So far I don't like the other shortened versions, Jer, Jerry, or Jeremy. I had thought of Remy but we have a close friend with a son that has that nickname.

Of course we love his full name and are happy calling him by Jeremiah but I would like to have a potential shortened name as well.

Re: Nick name thoughts

  • I don't love it. Remy is cute. Are you with your friends whose son has nn Remy a lot?
  • I like the name a lot, but don't care for any of the nicknames at all.
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  • Never thought of Jem.... Not sure if I love it but I will give it some thought.

    We are with the other family about 2 times a week and pretty close friends. I think we are too close for me to call my baby that.
  • Miah sounds very feminine to me. I can't imagine being a boy who would love being called Maya.

    I think Jer is the most likely option. It is short, which is the point of nicknames. Jerry feels really dated and Jeremy is not a nickname for Jeremiah, it is a whole other name completely. Remy would be okay but since it's a friend's sons name I would just use Jer! 

    Even if you choose something else, I am telling you a lot of people will call him Jer. And things like Jer Bear. I think it's cute! 
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  • Ooooh, Jem works too! I like that one. Still I think after he grows a bit family and friends will def. call him Jer occasionally. It's the most obvious choice... like calling a Samantha "Sam". 
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  • Miah sounds very feminine to me. I can't imagine being a boy who would love being called Maya.

    I think Jer is the most likely option. It is short, which is the point of nicknames. Jerry feels really dated and Jeremy is not a nickname for Jeremiah, it is a whole other name completely. Remy would be okay but since it's a friend's sons name I would just use Jer! 

    Even if you choose something else, I am telling you a lot of people will call him Jer. And things like Jer Bear. I think it's cute! 
    I don't necessarily agree that people will automatically call him Jer.

    My sister has a 14 year old named Jakob. When she named him that she was addimate that no one call him Jake. He has never been Jake in his life.

    I do agree Jeremy is a completely different name but is has been suggested as a nick name to me before so I thought I would just put that one to rest.
  • What about J (Jay?)
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  • What will his mn be? You could call him JC or JD depending on the middle name if you really want a shortened name for him . I agree, his name doesn't have to be shortened.......he can always go by Jeremiah and it is not that hard. Our family is big into long names and not at all into nn's .
  • Like Mya? I don't like it.
    I think Jeremiah is fine as is. No nickname needed!
  • saham07 said:

    What will his mn be? You could call him JC or JD depending on the middle name if you really want a shortened name for him . I agree, his name doesn't have to be shortened.......he can always go by Jeremiah and it is not that hard. Our family is big into long names and not at all into nn's .

    His middle name doesn't work. It starts with an A lol. JA.... Yeah...

    I think we will probably end up just calling him Jeremiah.

    My main reason for wanting a short name is that all of my other kids have one.

    Elenore - Ellie
    Solomon- Solly
    Rosalie- Rosie

    But we are sure on his full name so I guess we will just have to deal with no nick name!
  • I really like Jer or Jerry as a nm for Jeremiah. Jem is lovely, but makes me think of Jem and the Holograms - which just shows my age. Miah/Maya is a girl's name (that I love) and it's getting pretty popular. I don't think it's a bad nm but I'd be hesitant to use it because it doesn't have a unisex tradition (unlike Alex or Sam, for example). 
  • Miah is no good. Girly, confusing. 

    I was also going to suggest just going with J (Jay). 

  • I knew a Jeremiah nn Miah and he was never mistaken for a girl...shrug, I like it!

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  • I don't like it at all. I love Maya for a girl, and if I heard it shouted in crowd I'd be shocked to see a boy come running. It just sounds so feminine
  • My boyfriend's name is Jeremy and everybody calls him Jay. I think that Jay is by far the best nn!


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  • I have a friend with a son name Jerimiah (yes, spelled like that) and she calls him Miah. I don't like it.
  • I was also going to suggest Jay. I very much dislike Miah and any of the others. Sorry.
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