May 2014 Moms

Weird pain

All day today I have had a pain on my right side that kind of feels like a cramp from running. Its constant. I called the doctor (ob) this morning and she is going to call me tomorrow, she wasn't in today. I thought it had something to do with my csection incision but I dont think it does. Anyone have experience with this?

Re: Weird pain

  • Could be your appendix if it's your lower right side.
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  • Ugh just what I would need right now
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  • Even if it isn't your appendix, I would definitely get it checked. When I had my bowel resection, my appendix was taken out as well. The logic was that if I were to ever have pain on that side, an ER doc might just think it's Crohn's pain or issues with the surgical site. My surgeon said that you definitely do NOT want to have appendix pain longer than you can help it, as if the pain progresses it can get get extremely bad.
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  • Im waiting for my ob to call back and see what she says but I definately want to get it looked at incase it is something more serious
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