Trouble TTC

Injectables with an IUI or TI that is the question of the day...

So I went in for an ultrasound today with my OLD RE because I got my period 2 weeks early! Everything looked normal on the ultrasound and my progesterone and estrogen are also completely normal. He has NO idea why I got my period early and couldn't even begin to give me an explanation. With that said he wants me to move on to injectables with IUI. I was hoping to take 2 months off to focus on my health and losing some weight, but he made this comment that made me freak out about my age....he said "well you are 33 so only 25% of the eggs you have area genetically healthy enough to make an baby so we should be more aggressive." Yes thank you I know I'm not the ideal age to get pregnant, but there are plenty of woman older than me having healthy babies, but thanks for the reminder my eggs are aging daily. 

Anyway, back to my question. There is just no way in hell my DH will be able to give a sample for an IUI unless it was on a weekend due to his commute. Has anyone done an injectable cycle with TI or do most people go with the IUI? I will add my DH has a very high sperm count with great mophology and mobility, which is why we decided to go with TI my last clomid cycle. I totally get GO BIG OR GO HOME, but I just don't think he will be able to give a sample for an IUI. 

POURING WINE NOW...I think I'm turning into an alcoholic. 

Me: 33, DH: 32

TTC: 2 years
Fertility blood tests all normal
Tilted uterus
3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM



Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


Never thought I would like long hair....


Re: Injectables with an IUI or TI that is the question of the day...

  • I'll second the freezing!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • I just completed my first round of injections and I am currently enduring the 2WW. My husband's SA was "normal" so we went the route of TI. My RE said that we will persue an IUI if we do several cycles and are still not pregnant. Good luck to you!
    Me: 26  DH: 31
    Married 10/15/11
    Started TTC 8/2012
    8/12-8/13 - TTC Naturally

    8/2013 - PCOS/anovulation diagnosis
    8/2013 - Metformin + Clomid, no reaction (Not insulin resistant, but tried Metformin to see if it would make a difference.)
    9 & 10/2013 - Femara, no reaction
    12/2013 - Referred to RE
    8-9/2014 - Follistim + Ovidril + TI= BFN
    10/2014 - Follistim + Ovidril + TI=???  

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  • I did injectables with TI. We don't have sperm problems just bad eggs because of my age, I'm 40. I'd KILL for your 33 yr old eggs. The only problem with the TI was my 3rd cycle when my ovaries were huge and I had 5 mature, sex wasn't fun, it was more painful. My second cycle it worked but was a cp, bad damn eggs.

    I like the frozen sperm idea if you want to do the IUI route. Good luck, whatever you decide.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm so annoyed by my RE's age comment that I feel I should go back to my NEW RE and talk to him. He was interested in getting my AMH checked and if my reserve is good trying Femara instead of clomid since he stated there is better success with Femara. I don't know I'm so freaking confused. The new RE did say if we didn't have any success within 3-6 cycles IVF would be in our future. 

    DRINKING wine to feed my OLD ovaries - what an ass. 

    Me: 33, DH: 32

    TTC: 2 years
    Fertility blood tests all normal
    Tilted uterus
    3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
    HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
    DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
    All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

    FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

    IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

    3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

    3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

    Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM

    JANUARY SIGGY CHALLENGE...This is so me!


    Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


    Never thought I would like long hair....


  • Really at 33 your eggs are old? Wow, I'm about to turn 39, that brought me down :( if your H has plenty of good sperm then I don't see why not just do TI, but if I was doing a cycle with injects I would want to the IUI just to boost my chances.

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


  • BlueJoan said:
    I was told at 35 that my eggs were pretty good since all my blood work came back normal.  There  is a slight decline but my old and new RE said that 40 is when they start getting worried about egg quality.  You could talk to your RE and ask if there are any supplements they suggest for better egg quality. I'm on CoQ10, extra Vitamin C and L-Arginine.  My vitamins had the recommended Omega 3s, and Zinc.  

    For us TI isn't a great option due to our MFI and IUI was even iffy.  If you are able to freeze a sample then I would go for it.  

    How far away are you from your current RE.  You could collect the sample at home if you are close and then have them wash it and do you IUI when you are ready.
    I'm taking CoQ10 as well! I also just started taking Royal jelly.

    My RE is actually 60 miles away from my house so I would need to have a frozen sample or luck out and ovulate on a weekend for the IUI. I just moved so I'm also looking into RE's in my area. The one I found stated that since my DH sperm is great and I've already had 2 failed IUI's he wouldn't push going through an IUI. Two RE's two different approaches = so confused!

    Me: 33, DH: 32

    TTC: 2 years
    Fertility blood tests all normal
    Tilted uterus
    3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
    HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
    DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
    All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

    FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

    IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

    3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

    3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

    Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM

    JANUARY SIGGY CHALLENGE...This is so me!


    Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


    Never thought I would like long hair....


  • I second PPs, I'd hope for a weekend for IUI but otherwise use TI, and/or keep a frozen sample in case ovaries get too big for sex!

    After the cost/pain/effort of injectibles, I would do anything possible to get an IUI, even if there was no male factor and it just bumps the chances a few percentage points. But, since YH has great sperm, happily you wouldn't have to feel like it was a wasted cycle if you used only TI.

    I guess I would want the RE to clarify what % of my eggs would be viable and how that impact our chances and the best plan of action for a given cycle. It sounds like he could have been more tactful, though!
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • RachaeleighRachaeleigh member
    edited September 2014

    I second PPs, I'd hope for a weekend for IUI but otherwise use TI, and/or keep a frozen sample in case ovaries get too big for sex!

    After the cost/pain/effort of injectibles, I would do anything possible to get an IUI, even if there was no male factor and it just bumps the chances a few percentage points. But, since YH has great sperm, happily you wouldn't have to feel like it was a wasted cycle if you used only TI.

    I guess I would want the RE to clarify what % of my eggs would be viable and how that impact our chances and the best plan of action for a given cycle. It sounds like he could have been more tactful, though!
    All of this. I asked about TI when we started injectables and my RE said we could, but why would we not bump chances up if only slightly after all of the monitorng that I would be going through anyway. For my first IUI cycle, I was in for monitoring 3 days in a row.
    I'll also agree with sex being too painful. Last cycle, I absolutely couldn't even bear the pain

    Eta: is it too difficult for your husband to use a few hours of pto?

    4 Losses (2003, 2008, Apr 2012, & Oct 2012)
    All RPL and IF testing with multiple REs = normal

    5 IUIs = BFN

    All AL are welcome
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic


    I hope it is okay if I respond to this. I had a similar struggle when we started injects. My H would have been available for an IUI sample, but since his numbers were so good, he was more comfortable with TI. Our issue was my ovulation problems so my RE said that if the injects could get me to O with good lining, our increase in chances from TI to IUI was minimal.  People thought we were crazy doing TI instead of IUI on an injects cycle, but we went with what was most comfortable for us. It just so happened injects + TI worked for us.

    I say all of that to say, I think you should do what you and your husband are most comfortable with. If you feel like you want to give TI a chance, I would say go for it.  Just my two cents. 

    Oh, and sorry about your RE's jerk comment.  

    Good luck to you!


    **************SIGGY WARNING**************


    Me 32 :: DH 41

     TTC since November, 2011

    DH's SA : Excellent

    Lap and Hysteroscopy June 2012

    DX: PCOS, Stage III Endo, slight Adenomyosis, blocked tube, and probable LPD

    Treatments:  6 Months Lupron Depot injections; 1500 mg metformin; 3 cycles of Clomid + TI = BFN

    3 endometrial biopsies all were "out of phase" 

    September - December, 2013:  Break to lose weight and get healthy

    40 lb weight loss but still not ovulating "in phase"  

    February - March 2014: bcps + follistim + trigger + TI = BFP

     Beta #1 (12dpo): 30; Beta #2 (18dpo): 500; Beta #3 (25dpo): 7,000!!! 

    1st u/s 4/16: One beautiful hb at 144 bmp 

    2nd u/s 4/29: hb at 166 bmp.  Graduated from RE!!


    Baby girl arrived on Thanksgiving day weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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