May 2014 Moms

Damn Bees!!

Why are there so many freaking bees this year?? Urgg! We had a rough morning today, my kid would not nap at all and has been super crabby. So finally decided to just go get some lunch and hit Target (was planning on this after a nap.) and since he usually falls asleep in car figured he would get a tiny nap. So I go through Chick-fil-a (yum!) and figured I would just sit in the lot of Target and have a peaceful lunch while he sleeps. It's a beautiful day out so all windows are down. Here comes two bees that were relentless! I was so worried that they were going to land on him so I was frantically opening up the doors and waving them out if the car! I must look like a crazy person!!! And of course woke him up! Urg! Sorry, now I feel crazy for ranting about bees! I'm really tired!! : )

Re: Damn Bees!!

  • I met a friend and her kids at a park today and I was literally running around the park with bees following me. I was so scared DD was going to get stung so we left and went to another park and there were tons of bees there too so I went home! I was so excited to be able to lay DD down on a blanket and enjoy the fresh air.
  • The bees are actually disappearing. It sucks. 

    But while I'm sad about the bees in general, on a personal level I'm basically terrified and will run away from them too.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

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  • hahaha, this reminds me of Brian Regan's joke about walking into spiders' webs and avoiding bees. 

    I like to garden, though, so when I'm out doing that I don't mind them as much as long as they are actual honey bees or bumble bees and not just yellow jackets. When I was little, I used to pet honey bees as they sat on flowers, and I was never stung. they are pretty tame.

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
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