Maybe this is TMI (some of it) but I've heard a few things that can help ease your pain later....
Confirm or debate these and /or add your own!
~ use a washcloth to ease nipple pain during BF
~ kegels to help leaking
~ slight stretching of perianal (is this the right term) to lessen chance of needing stiches
Married 9~20~13L- 34 M- 29
First IUI (L) 5/27/2014 triggered- BFP
Singleton due 2/17/15
... cantAloupe ...
Re: Tricks to help you later....
My best advice is to stay moderately active throughout pregnancy. It will only benefit you during labor.
Dermoplast spray for after delivery! My baby was 9lb 6oz and I had two 2nd degree tears (front and back) with stitches, and then unfortunately I got an infection on top of that from the catheter. It wasn't pleasant. They gave me the Dermoplast spray in the hospital (along with witch hazel pads, which I also recommend), and it helped a lot. It numbs the area for a short time, and is great for temporary relief. I ran out of what the hospital gave me, so my MIL when out and bought me more to use at home. I used it for about 2 weeks along with the witch hazel pads and the peri spray bottle.
In terms of preventing tearing, I don't really think that there is a ton that you can do (in my experience), especially if you have a big baby. My wife likes to tell me (unsolicited feedback) that she saw me tear, and that there was absolutely no way that baby was coming out without it happening, that it was just completely necessary. I believe that considering how big our son's head was. I don't think any amount of stretching in advance would have made a difference.
I am actually glad to be talking about this. I feel like delivery and recovery are so often the unspoken part of this journey. I would have liked to have heard more about all of this before I gave birth. Several times I remember asking the nurses at the hospital "is this normal?"... I really wasn't prepared for the recovery process the way I would have liked to have been. So for all of you who are pregnant or TTC, if you have questions or want to hear about people's birth experiences, I think it would hurt to start a thread about that and/or recovery, if others are interested...
Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581 *********William George born June 4, 2014*********Married: 10/4/2013
TTC Since September 2014
BFP 11/30/2014 ~ EDD 8/13/2015 ~ CP 12/5/2014
BFP #2 12/30/2014 ~ EDD 9/13/2015 Stick bean stick!
I cannot give any advice on avoiding a tear, and my honest, personal opinion is that sometimes they just can't be avoided and are much more common than you think...however, I will say this: The worst part is recovery. I didn't even realize I was tearing when it actually happened in the moment. There was too much else going on and my mind was 1000% occupied with pushing my baby out safely and quickly. I also didn't even realize that I was being stitched right away because I was too busy being in complete awe of my newborn child. I had a really icky post delivery experience, and almost needed a transfusion due to excessive blood loss and my uterus not clamping down. I hardly remember any of it. I just remember my baby. I did have an epidural, but we turned it off completely 10 minutes before I started pushing at my request, so by the time all of this loveliness was happening I definitely had plenty of feeling back. Anywho, my point is that while no one WANTS to tear, it is not as scary as it sounds. The recovery by far was the worst part in my opinion. I don't want anyone to think it is totally unmanageable or out-of-this-world painful to the point that they are scared. Wanting to talk about this stuff is not motivated from a place of wanting to instill fear, but I think it is good to be prepared.
Honestly, I had a really crappy recovery (which was amplified by my baby being in the NICU and my not wanting to sit in bed and rest because I wanted to be with him, but my getting discharged but not going home b/c baby was still in the NICU). With ALL of that said, about 10 days postpartum I started to feel myself a bit again, and by 3 weeks post partum, I felt mostly just fine and dandy. Now at 15 weeks postpartum, I would do it all again in a quarter of a heartbeat. Every single second of it. It was so beyond worth it. The light at the end of the tunnel comes quickly, so don't fear. It's a good thing too, because for about a day I thought William might have to be an only child LOL
Oh, and don't forget, all the meds and comfort measures are your friends! I usually refuse to take pain reliever of any kind because I am super stubborn and don't like to take anything. I took my Tylenol with codeine as instructed for 10 days, and it really helped me function when I didn't think that I was going to be able to. You do what you have to do. The human body is amazing.
You will be fine, promise!
Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012
5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN
Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer! *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581 *********William George born June 4, 2014*********I never did kegels and I've had no issues with leaking postpartum. I had leaking while pregnant, but that's cause everything in there is pressing on your bladder and no kegels are going to help you then! I did do prenatal yoga, which generally does help the pelvic floor, but I think I only ended up going six times. I do think kegels help strengthen the pelvic floor (and thus reduce the likelihood of leaking), but it isn't the only thing that will make a difference.
I also never did perineal stretching. The OB did massage the perineum during labor. I had a second degree tear, but it wasn't bad and healing wasn't bad either. Frankly, since perineal stretching is painful and the tear was not (due to having an epidural), I'd sort of rather have the tear! Especially since you could have tearing even with stretching/massage.
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*
Being a FTM there is little I can contribute at this time, except to say that we have read that Perineal massage, if done regularly from the thirtieth week, can significantly lower your chances of tearing. No harm in trying, right?
9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
*Everyone welcome*
We are planning a water birth which I know helps aid in less tearing, as well as, perineum stretching with oils. I have also been looking into pressure assistance during pushing which I read about in Ina May's Guide to Childbirth.
Married: 10/4/2013
TTC Since September 2014
BFP 11/30/2014 ~ EDD 8/13/2015 ~ CP 12/5/2014
BFP #2 12/30/2014 ~ EDD 9/13/2015 Stick bean stick!